[hider=mild spoiler]Wow. I was gonna close with this but after letting soak in the enormous amount of venom contained in your post I decided to lead with it: Stop watching movies. Seriously. Stop. Read a book. Read two books. Then read another one. Then take a walk and think about those books. [quote=@tulpa]To start off, it's clear that everything about the Force Awakens is Jar Jar Abrams effort to out-do the original Star Wars movies. That would have been fine if the movie was good to go with that, but since the film is a worse remake of A New Hope; those ambitions come off as extremely arrogant and huge middle-finger to the last generations who grew up with Star Wars.[/quote] Or trying to get a new generation excited about Star Wars. JJ is an artist and like any artist worth a flying fook will pay homage to those that influenced him. And yes I'm saying your point of view is completely off-kilter. Your looking at it negatively, as if JJ went into making the most celebrated franchise of all time with ill-intent. Is it arrogant? I dunno man, how good are you at making movies? How well would you do with a budget that large? Of course their is a certain level of ego involved in making a movie like Star Wars. You would go crazy with that level of pressure and stress if you didn't. [quote=@tulpa]There's little to no plot in this movie, but let's start off with the bad guys. So the story is that there is a new Sith order that has build another death star. Okay, fine. Except like a true idiotic child mind, Jar Jar Abram's idea is to make is bigger and bigger always equals better, right? Um, no. Nothing about this new death star makes any sense. It harvests energy from a sun so it can destroy five planets at a time in a beam of light that splits into five beams... nothing about that is scientific or even possible. Okay, people defend it by saying "it's just a movie!"[/quote] Like when the United States and Russia kept building nuclear weapons? What analogue are you looking for? In the entire history of warfare (and scientific advance in general) any "new" technology is simply an improvement on existing technology. Your computer. My smart phone is all based on tech that has been around for decades. So what does a massive beauracracy with little to no individual thought decide is the next best thing? Build a bigger weapon, just like the US and the USSR did for 50 years. Is it stupid? Hell yea, but guess what so is war. [quote=tulpa]Since when did Star Wars stop being a science-fiction and became a fantasy? At least the prequels stayed in the realm of science-fiction. [/quote] Examples to back this up? Episodes IV-VI were especially 'fantastic' because you relate to the characters on an emotional level not an intellectual one. Star Wars has always been fantasy from the get-go. It even tells you that from the very first second: Long ago in a galaxy far, far away is the same as Once upon a time. I can't think of one science fiction story that starts with once upon a time. I'm skipping the next few paragraphs of your response because they are especially caustic. But this pun was hilarious, thank you: [quote=tulpa]Daisy as a character just feels so forced. [/quote] [quote=tulpa]That's another problem with the character type... they have no character other than "tomboy!"[/quote] A tomboy is a girl who wants to act like a man so men like her. Not Reys character at all. At all. [quote=tulpa]And how can the male lead (that black guy) just pick up a lightsaber, use it effectively and even fight off a trained Sith well with it... with no previous training or any mention that he has force powers? [/quote] He can't. That's why he loses. Did you watch the movie? [quote=tulpa]The characters don't know about the force.[/quote]They do, only as myth and legend. Han confirms this on board the Falcon. Seriously did you watch the movie? You must have been in the bathroom ... And more paragraphs of wholly vitriolic spittle. [quote=tulpa]I believe that Jar Jar has stated at one point that he hasn't seen the original movies and that he doesn't care for Star Wars. (I believe he said the same thing about Star Trek.[/quote] Nope. He said he doesn't like Star Trek as it was too philosophical. That's because Star Trek is science fiction, it engages the intellect more than emotions. [quote=tulpa]refuse to accept this new movie as Star Wars canon. I refuse to accept it as a Star Wars movie. I refuse to accept it as a movie, period. And I'm sick of seeing Star Wars everywhere, too. The marketing budget for the movie is 250 mil. The actual budget for the movie itself is 200 mil. That is totally backwards! A movie should never have a bigger marketing budget then the actual budget of the movie![/quote] Pretty standard actually. And not in just movies. Food. Music. Marketing eats up more than 50% of most budgets. I could research it for you but I know it's the truth. Use the [s]Force[/s] Google. [quote=tulpa] For all the reasons stated, and probably much more that I've forgotten to say but has been said by many people before me, I hate this movie. I guess this is the end. I probably forgot to mention something important, and I'll think of it later but it will be too late to edit it in. Oh well. I'll just end it here.[/quote] Ah shit I ran out of time. I might try and get back to you on some of these points but probably not. Bummer man. It's a really good movie if you have the right attitude about it. Maybe it's because I intentionally dodged the hype, spoilers and everything else about the movie and waited until I sat my ass down in the theatre to cast judgement about it, I really enjoyed it. I felt like it was engaging and nostalgic. Was it perfect? Hell no. No movie is perfect. No art is perfect. Did it make me feel something? Yes. And for me that's what Star Wars has always been-an escape into fantasy where I can feel excited about characters faced with incredible situations. [/hider]