[quote=@VitaVitaAR] It doesn't matter, since this is based off of the EU to avoid spoilers and trying to work with new events. Just keep in mind trained force sensitive numbers are limited to avoid them taking over the entire RP in terms of characters. [/quote] Sweet :) hopefully I won't have to worry about spoilers after next week anyways. I was thinking of making a villainous character, like a rogue/Sith, but decided to try it out with a Jedi. Let me know what you think or if you'd rather me go that route, to even the odds. I'm just craving lightsabers :D [hider=Pretty much finished CS] [b]Name[/b]: Elyka Fé [b]Age[/b]: 21 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Race[/b]: Human [b]Appearance[/b]: Elyka stands 5'9, with white hair and piercing blue eyes. Her build is slim and athletic, usually donning a traditional beige Jedi outfit. Her posture and body language aren't the best, always leaning on something, crossing her arms or resting them on her hips rather than the neutral stoicism of a stereotypical Jedi. Not one to stand still, were it not for her clothes or her lightsaber, her demeanor might make her seem like just some random naive young girl. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/l69Hesd.png?1[/img][/center] [b]Personality[/b]: Strong-headed, stubborn, and reckless. She has a curiosity and skepticism that causes her to speak frankly, ask rudely, or venture where she shouldn't. She's also a bit of a thrill-seeker, never passing up the chance to engage in something interesting, even if it doesn't seem very safe. She's the kind of person who takes the path less taken, even if it looks less taken for a reason. [b]Profession[/b]: Jedi Knight [b]Skills & Abilities[/b]: Her strength is in her combat skills, dominant in Form IV (Ataru) and adept with V (Djem So), Elyka mostly relies on her lightsaber in combat and also happens to be ambidextrous. She is nimble and flexible, using her speed and acrobatics to outmaneuver or evade her opponents, even without her lightsaber. Combined with her use of the force, she can easily traverse most obstacles and terrain. While her use of the force might not be as impressive as her dueling abilities, she is capable of using it to enhance her kinetic force. Usually that means jumping higher, moving faster, or striking harder. She isn't great at using it on other people, a force push may knock over a single foe (disarm them, more likely), but if she combines it with the bare-handed strike then she can more easily send them flying across the room. This is something she has learned and practice, making her deadly even if her saber is "misplaced" by chance. Aside from the manipulation of lighter objects, her force powers pretty much end there (can't lift an X-wing to save her life). Her athletic reflexes allow her to use the armored vambrace on her left arm as a deflector against blaster fire, a lightsaber would slice through it like butter, but it's good backup when she's otherwise unarmed. Her coordination also helps her when it comes to flying. She might not be the best pilot, but she can certainly strike fear into enemies in the sky, with her piloting style as reckless and daring as her approach to dueling. More than that though, she has a simplistic need for speed, whenever she can get her hands on something to pilot, that is. [b]Equipment[/b]: [indent][u]Lightsaber[/u]: A blue lightsaber with the traditional straight hilt, mostly in silver and black accents with ribbed grips interspersed for her hands. [u]Bracer[/u]: A vambrace made of leather and a rare metal which composes the outwards facing armor plate. This is mostly used to deflect blaster fire, but could also make for a powerful backhand :) [u]Gadgets[/u]: She also keeps a small collection of useful items on her belt, besides her lightsaber. [list][*]The one used the most is her commlink, which is just a small earpiece with a wiry mic that barely has to extend for use. [*]Multi-functional compact binoculars that have a built-in rangefinder, vision modes (NV, IR, EMF). [*]A couple emergency beacons to use for marking a target, calling an extraction, or as a distress signal. [*]Food and energy capsules. Great for rejuvenating herself or grumpy allies and invaluable on long missions. [*]A breather that fits over her mouth for extended underwater excursions or surviving hazardous gases. [*]A fiber-cord grappling device, sometimes used just for restraining people or carrying others, rather than helping herself. [*]Might add a spaceship here, but probably not. Not sure about Jedi's resources at this point in time.[/list] [/indent] [b]Brief Backstory[/b]: Elyka was born to a noble family of Alderaan, House of Fé Agius, and was actually born on the planet only months before it's destruction. Her father was a Rebel guerrilla commander, and was lucky enough to finally convince her mother to come with their newborn to a Rebel base to a more remote system, despite her family preferring her to raise Elyka on their home world in comfort at their mountain estate. Almost all of their family was wiped out with the planet. He died only a few years later, her mother never being told where and exactly when due to the secrecy surrounding his missions. She was too young to even remember the news. Her mother spiraled into depression, while Elyka spent time reading stories about the heroes of the rebellion, enamored by tales of epic dog fights and the power of the Jedi. She was never allowed to even leave the small town, let alone the planet that was their home for most of her life. Her force sensitivity was discovered quite early on, though her mother attempted to suppress her desire of pursuing exactly the kind of life Elyka wanted. After years of a depression and increasing senility, her mother passed away peacefully in her sleep when Elyka was only 12. She then caught the eye of a Jedi who took her under his wing, originally coming to pay his respects to her father's family. He taught her how to use the force, how to wield a Jedi's weapon, and even how to fly.[/hider]