Here's what I got - I'm going by G1 - mostly IDW - continuity with the history portion if that is alright [hider=Turbulence] Name: Turbulence [url=]Normal Appearance:[/url] [url=]Alternate form:[/url] Former faction: Autobots Role: Ground / Fire Support Weapons and tools: [list] [*] Energon Tomahawk [*] Neutron Assault Rifle [*] 2x Thermo Rocket Launcher [/list] Personality: Turbulence forever sees himself under the command of someone higher up and that’s just fine by him…Except when said CO gets themselves deactivated permanently, Turbulence is then quick to refer over to the next ranking officer up the food chain. The Autobot soldier does not feel okay with the idea of being a leader and the job’s heavy responsibilities it comes with. Turbulence would rather be on the frontlines receiving taking orders than giving them. It’s quite possible the transforming gunship suffers from too little self-confidence and more than enough worry; which is unfortunate given the number of battlefield accommodations Turbulence had unknowingly made by is previous commanding officers. Turbulence is quite the tactical genius when it counts and is often openly insightful on a lot of topics, especially during the flow of battle and is quick to coordinate with his fellow Autobots on the ground. History: Surprisingly, Turbulence at one point had nearly joined the Decepticon, being one of the many unhappy mechs, professing their frustrations the Senate at the time. However, he soon learned that the Decepticon’s earliest insurgencies were not what he had in mind as a cause to get behind and quickly joined the Autobot faction once they emerged. He eventually found himself on the frontlines; somewhere he had been trying to avoid during the first volleys of the conflict. But it was the battlefield he had probably belonged on in the first place. Turbulence showed an unfamiliar sense of battlefield prowess much of the Autobot-aligned Cybertonians at the time lacked; being more civilian formed militias than the battle-hardened gladiators and angry mobs of the Decepticons. During one heavy engagement with the Decepticons, Turbulence spent several cycles in his Alt. Mode supporting allied troops, only topping off on Energon and ammunition what he ran nearly dry on both reserves. Turbulence’s current unit face incredible fighting in the defense against a Decepticon counter-attack while much of the Autobot’s primary command and elite soldiers would take the war off-world in search of a new energy source as Cybertron’s own resources would soon be on the verge to a non-renewable or reversible state. His platoon would soon be demolished and completely scattered due to the hard struggle. Turbulence soon found himself without any targets and even worse, no allies or any command to rally back with and left alone in uninhabited wasteland. Extras and additional information: [list] [*] Has a tendency to remain in Alt. Mode as opposed to his more sapient form. [/list] Relations with other characters: None [/hider] Also regarding your question regarding who's the coolest Grimlock, I'd have to stand by with the original G1 Grimlock since we'd get to know more about him and his goofy antics. Though I do have to say, his portrayal in Transformers Fall of Cybertron was amazingly beasty - still waiting for a sequel though. As usual, Grimlock's initial appearance in Michael Bay's Transformers was pretty sweet though I would say he'd kill Optimus for riding him as a war-mount if they allowed him to speak.