Name: Aundair Ivellos Age: 22 Gender: male Race: Coruscantii Appearance: A moderately tall man at about 6'1 he probably weighs about 210, mostly muscle, though due to his coruscanti origins, his muscle is compact so he looks about average size for a humanoid. His handsome face is framed by short brown hair. He wears a leather jerkin with two holsters on his hips for his blasters and a brown overcoat Personality: He is a comedic person most times, he is usually making jokes and having a good time. A smile rarely leaves his face, except when he is on business or angered. And when he is, it is not a good idea to mess with him. (sorry for the shorter personality, but i tend to demonstrate through the interactions) Profession: Smuggler Skills: Great shot, very charismatic Abilities: can pilot quite well Equipment: Twin revolver style blasters, small vibroblade Brief Backstory: Orphaned on Coruscant, he grew up with some of the shadier people. Learning some of the underground, he found a less dangerous of the criminal pastimes, smuggling. It wasn't always drugs or guns, but when it was, Aundair didn't shirk from the pay. Anything to keep his smaller ship running just beyond the reach of anyone trying for payback. Usually the law, but he has pissed off a couple gangsters. Recently, his crew dispersed after a particularly close brush with authorities, but Aundair wasn't tagged, and is still trying to keep afloat.