A night at the Leaky Cauldron would have been better if it hadn't included his father showing up to drag him off to Knockturn Alley. It wasn't a place he particularly liked showing his face, mostly because he was fighting so hard to not appreciate what it had to offer. Yet, like always, he found something he just couldn't resist getting - another proverbial nail in the coffin of the fate his parents desired for him. This tome, much like the others he had purchased down the dark alley, contained many spells of interest - not all dark, and some quite useful for dueling. Yet another sleepless night found him already thumbing through the pages of the book, listening to the snores of his father and the soft purrs of Argint that followed the timing of his absentminded petting. If he couldn't find a seat on the train with anyone willing to engage him, this at least would make for good reading he decided. So, making sure to leave before his father woke, Wayne kept the book in his small carry on trunk. Argint kept pace at his side, showing off his height of nearly coming to Wayne's knee. The silver coat stood out against his dark jeans; the trunk - looking more a briefcase than an actual tote - hung comfortably from his opposite hand to leave his left free to take hold of his wand, hidden in what equated to a holster, on his right hip. Not that he thought it would be needed, but he felt too anxious without it readily accessible. A smile remained plastered on his face as he walked the train; he offered a nod or passing hello to every student he passed, especially every nearly full car he peeked in. [b]He stopped for the briefest of moments to greet Demi, and by extension Cal, mostly because she was a housemate.[/b] The thought passed through his mind to sit with them - it was only the two - but it passed just as quickly; there was no way he was risking a conversation about Quidditch arising. Not after having to listen to his father converse about it last night with others that still remembered his glory. Pressing on, he stopped beside another closed door hosting just two individuals inside and another in the hall. [color=7bcdc8]"Princess,"[/color] he started as his greeting; he knew the Hufflepuff enough to remember she didn't like getting dirty, though he couldn't place her name for the life of him. The smile blossomed into a full out grin, flashing a small sign of his teeth. [color=7bcdc8]"Get kicked out of the boys' club, eh?"[/color] He turned slightly, not really waiting for her response, and opened the door. Of course, yet another Quidditch captain was there - but so was Murry, whom he only knew as the head of the Hufflepuff Dueling Club. That was where he turned the majority of his attention. [color=7bcdc8]"Well, you gents seem to have claimed quite the nice compartment. Nice to see you on the train, Murry. You know, this will be the year I best you in a duel - your club or mine."[/color] [@HushedWhispers] [@BubbleGumKing] [@Apokalipse]