[quote=@Jbcool] [@Enzayne][@mattmanganon][@Cleopatra][@ClocktowerEchos][@CorpusMundum][@Agent B52][@LordZell][@Lone Wanderer] Right guys (and gals?) On the suggestion of Cleopatra, I have created a little Chatzy for us to utlise...here. http://us19.chatzy.com/84318008021334 Please feel free to go in there and discuss things, scheme, or generally shoot the excrement. Also, Zell, while I won't allow you to play a Tau character, if you wish to have one that is sympathetic to the Greater Good (the greater good...) then I won't stop you; just realise that if you get caught doing anything untoward, you will be executed for Heresy. That goes for anyone and everyone. :drool [/quote] Darn looks like I'll have to go Imperial Guard. Perhaps some Death Korps of Krieg?