As Morgan entered her compartment, Sienna noticed that he was trying not to stare at her new piercings while he set down his trunk, sliding it under the seats with care. He sneezed upon catching sight of Dally in his cage, and Sienna briefly wondered if he was allergic to owls. [color=e97791]"I'm sitting here. I hope that's acceptable,"[/color] Morgan said cordially, sitting with a flourish and crossing his legs. Sienna shrugged, not particularly minding. A few years ago, being alone in a small space with a guy would have been terrifying; but now, she only felt slightly uncomfortable because she didn’t know him very well. What little she knew was that Morgan’s family vehemently opposed anything even slightly related to the Dark Arts, despite Morgan’s own brother becoming a dark wizard; and Sienna only knew about [i]that[/i] because of her father’s late night conversations with various shady characters that had passed through the Rodriguez Manor over the years. In fact, few people who weren’t dark wizards even knew that Luis had slipped back into his old ways after his wife’s death. He kept up a perfectly normal pretense with his job at the Ministry and his charming Hispanic accent and proper demeanor. He kept his dark dealings confined to the time he spent at home; grooming her now 20-year-old brother to become a powerful dark wizard, as well as the heir to the estate. Sienna bent her head over her book, trying to lose herself in the words she knew so well. She needed to stop thinking about her father and brother; stop feeling dragged down by the mistakes they’d made, and make a new identity for herself. Morgan kept looking over at her; dark brown eyes darting curiously from her piercings to her hair. Sienna supposed much of the beginning of the year would be like this, but that was all right. Anything to distance herself from her former family. Sienna decided to make an attempt at conversation, since they would be sitting here together for the rest of the long train ride. [color=violet]“You’re Morgan, right?”[/color] she asked, holding a thumb to the page she was on, so the book wouldn’t snap shut while being jostled by the train’s slight movements as it rattled along. [color=violet]“If you’re allergic, I know a charm that could help,”[/color] she told him, gesturing to Dally.