[center][url=http://fontmeme.com/calligraphy-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Mina%20Baek&name=AdineKirnberg-Alternate.ttf&size=80&style_color=FFA6EA[/img][/url] [img] http://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8cf3wTW6l1rsskhm.gif[/img] [color=hotpink]Hogwarts Express – “Do Not Enter” Arsehole Fiasco[/color] [@HushedWhispers][@BubbleGumKing][@Nightfury Kat][/center] Air pushed against her face as the door slammed shut; Mina reared back her head, pinching her eyes together in a flinch as the irrational fear of her nose being hit overcame her. Once it was closed, she opened up a single eye, glancing at the closed compartment door and she scowled. Her face, one that showed every emotion that flitted over her face, displayed anger as she bared her teeth in aggravation and clucked her tongue. How dare those arseholes shut the door on her? How rude! Mina crossed her arms and tapped her finger against her forearm, thinking hard about whether she should retaliate or be the bigger person and leave. The idea came over her mind to get out her wand and work a little magic, but the image of Min-woo shaking his head at her in disappointment popped into her mind and that only served to make Mina madder. Mina slapped her hand against the door and shouted in irritation, [color=lightpink]“Yah! Jugeullae?”[/color] When the temper didn’t falter and still rose in her stomach, boiling over in her, Mina impulsively decided to kick the door. Her heeled foot slammed into the bottom and almost immediately, her bare toe jammed against the hard door. Mina reeled backwards, hopping on one five-inch heel as she grasped at her foot, blowing air between her teeth as if it would lessen the pain somehow. [color=lightpink]“Shibbal!”[/color] She gasped, almost falling over, out of balance, but her forearm slammed into the corridor wall, holding her up. [color=lightpink]“Damn, that bloody hurt.”[/color] After a moment of hissing, Mina released her foot and regained her composure, glancing down both corridors to make sure that no one had noticed her awkward pain. She gained her composure in the nick of time as some boy ambled over to her, talking down to her as if she were some common bitch – Mina was [i]not[/i] a princess, she was a [i]queen[/i]. Mina balled her hands together into a fist, prepared to give him a piece of her mind when he shifted his attention to the door. He opened it, glancing inside and saying something or other about something or other (she really, [i]really[/i] didn’t care at this point). Honestly, Mina was at a loss of words and at her wit’s end. How could there be so many douchebags at Hogwarts? With nothing more to say, all Mina could offer was an exasperated groan at the look of all three douchebags together at last. [color=lightpink]“It’s like a reunion for bloody prats.”[/color] Mina said, mostly to herself than them, and she had half a mind to leave then; but, honestly, she wanted to have an excuse to slap the shite out of them.