[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/KAeOzn9.png[/img] [h1][color=ed1c24]~Unending Beat!~[/color][/h1] [/center] [hr] [center][url=https://youtu.be/oc6KUXDGqZE][b][b]BGM[/b][/b][/url][/center] The madder red hue of the sunset bathed the Afterlife once more. It happened many times before and would happen again for all eternity, as long as there was need for unaccomplished souls to be cleansed of their earthly burdens, this place would exist. Or so was the belief of a certain lone [url=http://i.imgur.com/41xXxEW.jpg]girl[/url] that even now played the majestic piano that decorated the music room. The Sonata, aptly named [i]"Tempest"[/i] was a portent of things to come and an greeting for those who would soon be joining the Afterlife, her domain for as much as the girl could remember. "It's about time, can you feel it as well? All their pain, their suffering?" She said, without taking a look behind her, or even caring to open her eyes, to another girl that had just arrived behind her, how she noticed it was a wonder, since the only sound on the red bathed room was that of her play. Or, perhaps not, after all weren't gods meant to be omniscient beings? "Please, greet them in my stead." The girl pleaded as her fingers slid effortless across the keyboard, the moment she reached the climax of the piece... [center]• • •[/center] [color=ffd700]"Huh? Where am I?"[/color] A [url=http://i.imgur.com/aOgiOm2.jpg]girl[/url] with long brown hair held in place with a golden bow, groaned painfully as she woke up with the worst headache she felt in her whole life. Perhaps, said head ache had something to do with the fact that she seemed to have fallen asleep on nothing but a hard concrete pavement. [color=ffd700]"No, the problem is why am I here, no matter where this is. After last thing I remember is..."[/color] Harumi trailed out, recalling the scene vividly as if it had happened a minute ago. Two men, dressed as police officers, forced her into a cruiser and took her to a bridge near the city limits, chocked her and... something else, before leaving her to die on the frozen waters of the mid-winter river. [color=ffd700]"I should be dead, and cold and soaked to the bones. Nothing of this makes sense, was I dreaming? Or is this another one of ***-kun's dirty acts?"[/color] Harumi wondered of what she had gone through her whole life wasn't enough suffering. Looking around, Harumi noticed that she was at some kind of school campus with the setting sun quickly splashing its raspberry hues over the building, in the distance a few heavy clouds loomed over the distant mountains, portent of an oncoming storm. She spared the time to look at herself and find that she was dressed in an [url=http://media.moddb.com/images/members/1/463/462135/Sky.jpg]uniform[/url] that she didn't even remembered wearing before. There was no one on her immediate vicinity, though the girl —Harumi Shizuka— could see what looked like silhouettes moving to a big building on the other side of a bridge that was barely visible from where she was because of the early evening darkness. [color=ffd700]"Anyway, dilly-dallying will do me nothing. I might as well go there and see what I can find about this place."[/color] With that in mind, Harumi go back to her feet (at long last) and set towards the Annex, hoping to get there before the oncoming storm hits the academy grounds.