"Explain to me once again why you decided to go to school in America?" Val'a's brother had finally, after a month, noticed that she wasn't actually home. He had called her forty seven times before she finally woke up and they had been on the phone for an hour as she tried to both calm him down and get him to stop asking questions. Even the best lie can be undone by it becoming to complicated, and you forget your even lying. "I've got to go to class, that is an actual thing." Val'a was only kept on the phone with him for a few minutes before she finally managed to hang up. She grabbed her gym bag that was already packed with an extra changed of clothes and brushed against the lamp at the top of her room, transporting her through the schools wiring system. She was briefly stopped in the elevator, in order to establish her identity before continuing on in the circuitry. She appeared in the training center, in a bolt of lightning and a crack of thunder. "Sorry I'm late, my brother doesn't understand the concept of time zones." Valentina felt the need to explain herself as she set the gym bag down next to her. She pulled her hair up into a hair binder and glanced around the room. She hadn't made many friends with the people in this room. Her roommate was quite...and a telepath so it was awkward all over. Especially since Valentina's powers didn't let her sleep in one place at night. She had woken up all over the school, the latest one in the gym, on a treadmill. It had been all very annoying and led to a lack of sleep that didn't do well for her personality or friend making skills. Valentina worked on keeping herself together, and not in an outlet. It would pass in a second, and then she would be fine but until then she closed her eyes and kept herself grounded, quite literally.