Name: Gideon Shurima Age: 20 Gender: Male Race: Human Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: Gideon, outside of combat, is a bubbly, friendly and chivalrous man with a good understanding of what respect actually is. He is humorous and highly protective of his friends and allies, getting in the way of a fight and defending an ally or someone in need a lot, which some may view as a kind of foolish chivalry. He is also incredibly tenacious... or stubborn. He enjoys challenging himself, pushing his body further and further, or defeating the next big opponent. That's what makes Gideon... Gideon. Profession: Jedi Skills: Form V Specialist- Form V, or Shien is the fifth jedi combat form that focuses on using defence as an offence. A prime example is deflecting a blaster shot back at enemies. Force expert- The strong spiritual matter, known as the force, have always piqued the interest of Gideon, and he uses it very well for a simple Jedi. Abilities: Force Powers- As a Jedi, Gideon can use the force, and has a natural aptitude for it. Gideon has found the technique of concentrating the force on his left forearm into a kind of shield, resembling that of a buckler shield, which gives him a small edge in combat. Equipment: Blue lightsaber with the hilt being entirely silver. Although the hilt is basic and not as eccentric as others, Gideon made his personal by inscribing the alternate Jedi Code on the hilt, the code recited by younglings in their initiate trials- Emotion, yet peace. Ignorance, yet knowledge. Passion, yet serenity. Chaos, yet harmony. Death, yet the Force. Brief Backstory: As a child, Gideon always got in physical fights, without him being the initial aggravator. The way Gideon got involved was by stepping in front and fighting the bully or person who went to go fight Gideon's friend. However, this got him landed on his arse more times than he'd like to remember. However, on one Life Day, Gideon discovered his small yet still existent connection to the force, confirming he was force-sensitive. He was eventually discovered by a Rodian Jedi, who subsequently inspired Gideon to become a Jedi. Time flew by for him until he actually begun to wield his own lightsaber. He lived and breathed duelling. Gideon would spend night and day learning, analysing and practicing the first five forms, while also reading about form VI and VII, however he would soon discover that his talent was in the force. Gideon remembers sparring practice with Saku Ria who gained his upmost respect for her skill in the blade as well. This however only pushed him to become better and better, so he could one day beat the elder Jedi in duelling skill. Having not made much improvement, he decided to dabble in the force a bit more, and found his sensitivity to the force had since grown exponentially since he last paid attention, it was since then he swapped the majority of his time from duelling to the force. It has always been a motivation for him to become a knight and train an apprentice, someone he himself could train and mentor. [hr] Name: Severus "Fusion" Sanctitus Age: 24 Gender: Male Race: Human Appearance: [hider=Infiltrator Armour][img][/img][/hider] [hider=Out of Infiltrator Armour][img][/img][/hider] Personality: Severus, or his call sign Fusion as he'd much rather be called, is actually kind of cold. Nothing matters but the fall of the Children of the Emperor. The next mission is one step closer to that. If he's not sleeping, eating or being briefed, he should be on a mission, or what good is he doing? Because of this, Severus is very, very distant from people and has no actual friends, only allies. If you're not a part of the same mission, you are not a priority. Like his implants, he is a machine and could be mistaken for a robot if you just heard his voice. Profession: New Republic Infiltrator Skills: Stealth and movement skills- Fusion's infiltrator training makes him a natural at staying low and traversing terrain with ease. City Dweller- Fusion excels in Urban environments, but finds it a bit more difficult on tropical and arctic terrain alike. Basic hacking knowledge- Fusion can't super-hack an imperial targeting array in 15 seconds, but he can open doors and access hatches if he's near a control console of some sort. Abilities: Cyborg- While not technically an ability, Fusion is a cyborg to a more or lesser degree (also earning his nickname of Fusion, between man and machine). His arm is metal and has a shock panel on his palm which is used for non-lethal combat. His other cybernetic implant is right eye which replaces a visor for a Heads Up Display. However, the HUD is pretty standard and his cybernetics have previously malfunctioned. His cybernetics are also hackable, but it would have to be remote or while he's out cold, while he is unaware. Equipment: DC-19 stealth blaster. DH-17 pistol with sound suppressor. Special Combat Knife. Grappling hook. Cybernetic Implants. Thermal Detonator if things get loud. Brief Backstory: Fusion prefers his history covered in black ink, but in reality, he was quite nice before joining the New Republic. Enlisting at 19, Fusion displayed tremendous skill in staying in the shadows, and it wasn't long before he had begun Infiltrator training. Most people that go under Cybernetic surgery is when they are close to death and it saves them. Fusion got his for boosting his own efficiency, making his cold demeanour even colder. Fusion then spent the next few years of his career in covert ops and assassinations with very little failures. He plans on keeping his record as straight as possible but in the end, his goal, since birth is destroying the Empire oppression.