[center][color=a187be][u][b]Willow Falkner[/b][/u][/color][/center] [center]Willow had found herself strangely alone for now as she had free time to converse with people on more than a temporary level in-between serving. While some people would quickly say hello many of the people in town seemed to have been forming bonds while she had been busy which left her a bit behind on that schedule despite being popular in town on a less deep friendship level. For now though she decided not to dwell on it and be happy she got to create too many smiling faces WITHOUT having to kick anyone out tonight. Usually by the end of such a night she may have had her stubborn and resilient side come out on making a bad patron leave or cut someone off from the alcohol. This town though was far nicer than that which pleased her greatly. Even if she wasn’t talking to anyone she could feel a bit at home here as the fire warmed the room and the gratitude people came to give her personally helped keep her heart nice and toasty as well as she bowed gently to them with her own thank you for the compliments.[/center] [center]As Mayor Dink went to have the song finished and attention of the people she had been standing to the side and helped silence the crowd kindly before moving to listen. The interruption though caught her off-guard. For a moment she was wondering if they were about to rudely interrupt Dink, but they were silently floating instead of speaking at first. Willow took a step forward wondering if she should speak to them, but then the unexpected happen with the reveal of the floating child. [color=a187be]“Harvest Goddess?”[/color] she said aloud as while she let her own smile fade at the sight. She didn’t really know if she should believe it until everyone got their gifts. While some had spoken of such a being in rumors the fact that such an event occurred to show it was real astounded her. For a moment even she was speechless as the girl seemed to disappear the moment she looked away from the gift at her feet. [/center] [center]A few seconds later Willow found herself simply confused at seeing this red berry. Holding up the heavy chunk of fruit she was unsure what to think of it before setting it on her counter. Without a clue as to what it might be she knew she may as well taste it later before finding a big enough space to store it where it won’t rot. Perhaps she should turn it into jelly- Her mind was lost in thought as she stared at it before the sound of Freya’s dilemma came to her ear. Turning around to see the girl fidgeting with the locket Willow knew she could quickly help and let the berry be. She was a good host, and helping out her patrons was her calling she determined in her mind. After walking over she gently tapped Freya’s shoulder before holding out a hand. [color=a187be]“May I help you with that?”[/color] she asked before giving out her winning smile. Hand clearly indicating the locket she had trouble putting on.[/center]