[hider=House Targaryen] [center][img]http://awoiaf.westeros.org/images/thumb/d/d2/House_Targaryen_crest.PNG/250px-House_Targaryen_crest.PNG[/img][/center] [center][h2][color=red]House Targaryen[/color][/h2][/center] [center][img]https://hdwallpapers.cat/wallpaper_mirror/medieval_castle_landscape_art_fantasy_hd-wallpaper-1316390.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b]Military Strength[/b][/center] [center][list] [*] 2,500 Troops [list] [*] 1,500 Spearmen [*] 500 Heavy Footmen [*] 300 Archers [*] 200 Crossbowmen [/list] [*] 125 Knights [*] 9 Lords, 3 great, 6 lesser [list] [*][b] Lord Jarmen Buckwell II [/b] [*][b] Lord Renfred Rykker IV [/b] [*][b] Lord Eustace Brune II [/b] [*] Lady Celia Mooton [*] Lord Steffen Pyne [*] Lord Duncan Hardy [*] Lord Rickard Crabb [*] Lord Thomas Cave [*] Lord Mortimer Boggs III [/list] [/list][/center] Name: Rhaenyra Targaryen II Age: 20 Seat: Dragon’s Rest (Formerly Rook’s Rest) Heir: Younger Sister, Baela Targaryen II Personality: Princess Rhaenyra is said to be a spitting image of her forbear who held her name before. Much like her ancestor before her, she is just as proud and stubborn as any Targaryen before her, though, unlike some of her family, she possesses a much more forgiving and caring nature, giving her a very charming and likeable nature, at least of that compared to those within her family that make themselves not so easily liked. She is said to be honorable and kind, with a great love for art and poetry. Though by no means a renowned fighter, she is an experienced swordsman and lancer, having been taken under the wing of her father, who thought it best to train his daughter in combat, should the need ever arise. Biography: Born into a family that arose from the ashes, Rhaenyra was quick to learn from the errors of the past in what had caused the downfall of her family. From a young age, both her and her sister Baela were taught the history of House Targaryen, from its start, to its bloody end, and to the rebirth, each detail taught to instill one resounding message, never take anything for granted. Her parents were brother and sister, married to one another as was done in times of old, regardless of what the faith thought. And while this may have been seen as sinful and dangerous, the results were quite the opposite. Two girls were born, both beautiful, smart, fair, two pieces of Valyrian steel that came forth into perfect form. No signs of cruelty nor madness, it was a sign from the Seven, or even the gods of old, that good can come from anything. Rhaenyra Targaryen the Second, Princess of House Targaryen, though of course, on a branch of the House that no longer was in the direct line of succession for the Iron Throne, which had since been remade anew, a throne befitting the likes of King Aegon VI and Queen Daenerys Targaryen. Truth be told, she was said to look like Rhaenyra Targaryen the First, a Queen who never was, something that Rhaenyra II took great interest in. Of course, who doesn’t dream of being Queen, of being ruler of the Seven Kingdoms, but, that certainly seemed like a dream that could never be attained, at least so she thought. When her Great-Uncle, Aegon IX, began searching for wives for his second son, Daenys Targaryen, her parents put her forth as a possible candidate, even though she was just a babe at the time. Such a match we bring the two halves of the family back together, and allow Rhaenyra to be a potential candidate for Queen, if Daenys were to ever become King himself, but such was not meant to be. It was whispered that Daenys was not interested in women, and that he had bestial appetites. Further, it was her father who decided to rescind the offer, once he began to see what Daenys Targaryen was truly like, a future Mad King, much like his forbear King Aerys II was. Even worse, was the fact that this man hated his family, and it would do little good to try and force Rhaenyra unto such a monster as Daenys. Prince Jaehaerys IV even tried convincing his cousin Aegon IX to allow Rhaenyra to marry Aegon X, but it was quickly laid to rest when Aegon X would not take another wife than his first, adhering to the wishes of the Seven and the High Septon. For a time, Rhaenyra and her sister Baela thought that perhaps that they would end up marrying into the Crakehall family, as they were powerful, and close ally’s to the Targaryen’s, but all talk of that ended with the untimely death of Prince Jaehaerys IV and Princess Visenya III in a ship wreck mere minutes from the safety of Dragon’s Rest, a storm dashing the ship against an outcrop of rocks. It is said that both the young Targaryen’s cried themselves to sleep for many a week afterword. Since the death of her parents, Rhaenyra has run her household, bringing forth in the last three years record crop harvests and prosperity, using the assets at hand to bring life back into a slogging region that has long been overshadowed by King’s Landing and other great regions of the Kingdom. What’s more, is that two dragons have been slowly growing at Dragon’s Rest, gifts from King Aegon X himself, for the continued love of his family, and as a way of trying to help comfort his nieces. While a relatively small region of power in the grand scheme of things, Rhaenyra and Baela both are sworn vassals of King Aegon X, and thusly, their military strength was but a small portion of a larger Royal Army. The Princesses currently reside over the Northern Crownlands, holding fealty and control over Maidenpool, House Mooton, Antlers in the West, House Buckwell, Duskendale to the South, House Rykker, and Dyre Den to the East, and with it, all of Crackclaw Point, to include Houses Boggs, Brune, Cave, Crabb, Hardy, and Pyne. Control of all these houses has allowed for both sisters to learn greatly, even if it is only on a small scale, who to run a house, a region, and perhaps, if fate wills it, a kingdom. Still, both women are young, and will no doubt require help in order to have any hope of ascending to the Iron Throne. Rides the Dragon Visaxes, red in color. Claim To The Throne: Grand-daughter of King Aegon VIII (Daughter to second-born son, Prince Jaehaerys IV and third-born daughter, Princess Visenya III), father to King Aegon IX, Grandfather of King Aegon X. Cousin to Prince Daenys Targaryen. Appearance: [img]http://awoiaf.westeros.org/images/0/0c/Young_rhaenyra_targaryen.jpg[/img] Name: Baela Targaryen II Age: 17 Seat: None, currently resides at Dragon’s Rest (Formerly Rook’s Rest) Heir: None Personality: Princess Baela Targaryen II is just as proud and stubborn as her elder sister, though, among other things, no two Targaryen’s are the same. Having focused more on combat and war, she is by far the more skilled combatant of the two, excelling at the usage of spear and shield. She is honorable and truthful, striving to achieve excellence in all she partakes in, making her a force to be reckoned with when she believes that she is being cheated, or taught incorrectly. Baela believes is service before self, which co-insides with her belief of integrity first as well, making her a hard woman to lie to, for she has been known to hold grudges against those that would dare lie to her or her kin. Biography: Princess Baela Targaryen II is just as proud and stubborn as her elder sister, though, among other things, no two Targaryen’s are the same. Having focused more on combat and war, she is by far the more skilled combatant of the two, excelling at the usage of spear and shield. She is honorable and truthful, striving to achieve excellence in all she partakes in, making her a force to be reckoned with when she believes that she is being cheated, or taught incorrectly. Biography: Much like her sister, Baela Targaryen learned of the rise and fall of her family, and its rebirth. Thanks to the closeness of her age to her elder sister, Baela followed in her footsteps, learning as much as she could, and doing all that she could as well to excel in her studies and learnings. And yet, it was here that she not only shined, but showed how different she was from her elder sister. Where Rhaenyra was a decent sword fighters and horse rider, Baela was a warrior Princess reborn, some saying a reincarnation of Visenya Targaryen of old. Training with both sword and spear, her skill in combat signed brighter than dragon flame. Something about her, perhaps her zeal for combat, or perhaps the blood that flows in her veins, she was soon one of the best fighters in the Crownlands, if not the greater Southern region. She even came in second at the great tourney of King Aegon X’s 30th name-day celebrations, only losing in the lists to Lord Tywin Crakehall, yet only after twelve passes did she finally lose. Since then, she has continued a good friendship with Lord Tywin. Like her elder sister, Baela currently cares for a three year old dragon, aptly named Jadefyre, for its deep Jade and Green colored scales. With a trained rider, and a jointly love for flying and the world, Baela Targaryen and Jadefyre are a force to be reckoned with. Claim To The Throne: Grand-daughter of King Aegon VIII (Second daughter to second-born son, Prince Jaehaerys IV and third-born daughter, Princess Visenya III), father to King Aegon IX, Grandfather of King Aegon X. Cousin to Prince Daenys Targaryen. Appearance: [img]http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20150215201219/hieloyfuego/images/1/13/Rhaena_Targaryen,_hija_de_Aegon_III_by_Magali_Villeneuve%C2%A9.jpg[/img] [/hider]