[center][h1]Koloan[/h1][/center] [hr] [@savato][@lmpkio][@archmage MC][@Alexander what ever your name is] Koloan looked through the menu. The one girl had told him he could have whatever he wanted. But there was so much! Even adorable cat thing geniuses had trouble choosing what they wanted to eat. Koloan finally picked out what he wanted, when the tremors started and the giant monster appeared. Though, koloan was much more interested in his food, and was about to tell the one girl when she grabbed him and dragged him over to the group he wasn't supposed to look at. After he was over there, he shook hands with all the people around, though he wasn't able to catch the other person. Of course then she walked back in, with two pancakes in her mouth. [hider][youtube]https://youtu.be/sL92b9sb3Tw[/youtube][/hider] Koloan found that her weird, cartoonish form, her eerie pale skin, her weird eyes, to be the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Shyly, Koloan would walk up and utter out a stammering "Rudu..."