[i][b][center][h1]Jacob - [color=fff200]Arcadia 2 - Gojira Group[/color][/h1][/center][/b][/i] Somewhere in the distance of the sky, a light resembling a meteor began to streak across the horizon. This was no meteor however, flying past the fight and smashing into the ground somewhere in the distance, leaving a massive crater. A thick layer of smoke bellowed off of the object, which was covered in a layer of soot. After a few short moments, the object slowly began to move, most of the soot falling off of it. This was no space debris, this was a humanoid, and a big one at that. He stood up shakily, knocking on his helmet and wiping the visor. "Northern...Wind....Do you copy..?" A voice came from behind the helmet of the humanoid. Cycling through radio channels, he desperately tried to contact someone. "Th-this is Jacob Archimedes...Does Anyone...Come in?" It didn't take him long to see a commotion in the distance. "What the hell?'