Oh man, even though i'm in a group RP for Digimon right now, i still wanna do another. This one, however, i would only like to be 2 player, One being me, and the other being someone else, as well as be a little different then the one i'm in already. So why not? lol We can discuss what will be what in the RP, as well as lines and ideas, but i already know what character's i'm gonna use. They will be listed at the bottom of this post. I was thinking that something along the lines of "The humans find their Digimon in the Digital world" Where You and a Digimon form a bond of some kind, and a Digivice is formed to show that bond. Any ideas as to how the humans and Digimon will meet? A comment of Digimon lines as well. I had an idea awhile ago, but it was sorta dumb. The idea was that the Rookie level Digimon could Jogress and evolve from then on? But i suppose normal Jogress could work too, from Champion and up. We dont even have to do Jogress if you don't want to, but if there are any ideas to make the Evolution sorta unique, lay it on me. If nothing, we can just do standard Evolution, in that case, don't be afraid to make your Evolutions unique [color=bc8dbf]( I wont accept lines like Biyomon -> Birdramon -> Garudamon or Agumon -> Greymon -> MetalGreymon -> WarGreymon, since they're already used. BE CREATIVE) (this is not to say you cant use Biyomon or Agumon, just dont use a word for word copy of their evolution lines)[/color] I'd also like to keep FanDigimon and overly complex digimon out of this, so Digimon like Hackmon, while cool, might not be the best fit in my opinion. We can discuss this as well If anyone out there is interested in doing an RP, feel free to comment, but i'll only be RPing with one person, so i guess be quick about it, lol [hider=My Hider] [img]http://i.imgur.com/0tmvCFl.png[/img] [/hider]