[center][h3][b][color=red]Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen II and Princess Baela Targaryen II[/color][/b][/h3][/center] Both sisters sat quietly within the main hall of Dragon's Rest. They looked at one another from across the table at which that were seated, still reeling from the news of the death of King Aegon X. Their Uncle, a good man, and a kind family member, had died under mysterious circumstances. Perhaps it was a wasting sickness, a bad fall, or worse, but whatever it was, the King was dead, and a true problem had arisen. Prince Daenys was disinherited from the Throne, as stated in the King's last will and testament. This left a bit of a problem for the Seven Kingdoms, as there was no longer a direct heir to the throne, a male heir that was not distantly related, and truth be told, a bit of a surprise, as both Rhaenyra and Baela, at least in their eyes, were the closet living relatives to the King, and by all rights, could possibly be next in line for the throne. Only to make matters worse, news had only just arrived of both Prince Daenys declaring himself King, and Lord Tyget Crakehall, a distant outlying branch of the Targaryen family tree, also naming himself King. it was indeed troubling news all around. "Rhae, you must assert your claim to the throne... you, and you alone have the most rightful claim to our family's seat." Baela spoke to Rhaenyra, while toying with a ring upon her right hand. "You can not afford to sit any longer. The longer you wait, the harder and harder it will be for you to rightfully take the crown of our forefathers." Baela's voice was full of concern and earnest. She loved her elder sister, the two very close, and had shared all their life together. She would stand, walking over to the fireplace, where Lord's Mooton and Buckwell sat. A regional council had been called, and all the Lords, great and small, had come, to hear what the two princesses had to say. Each man had sworn oaths of loyalty to these two Targaryen's, and to the throne itself. But, without a rightful ruler, these men answered to Rhaenyra first, and to the Beala second. "Baela, I appreciate your honesty, and your tenacity, but, I feel it is best that we tread carefully. Look at us, we are but a small piece of a greater whole. I mean not to offend, but, my loyal bannermen, we have but two, maybe three thousand soldiers between all of us. The Gold Cloaks can muster more men than we can. Even with our Dragons, we are still at a disadvantage. And I know, you all want me to just claim the throne, but, it is best to know who holds the capital, and who we can trust in the weeks and months to come." Rhaenyra stated plainly to her gathered banners and sister. She sighed, looking at a painting of her family when they all were alive. Rhaenyra shook her head, pushing away the thoughts of sadness within her, and turning back to her council. "I have great faith in all of you. You have been loyal bannermen to my family for many years, and to me for these past three. It was by your own hands and wealth we were able to recover Dark Sister and Blackfyre, my family's fabled Valyrian Steel swords. It was with you that we have rebuilt our lands, from the roads that ensure swift and safe travel, to the canals that water our crops, the walls and towers of stone that guard our families and small folk, the few mines that generate our metals for coin and arms, and above all, the great nest that houses our Dragons. You have built so much, have earned great renown and honor by these feats. Trust me, and my sister, when we say that we will do what is best for all of us that sit here in this great hall. I believe in all of us." Rhaenyra spoke rousingly to her banners, to which all in attendance rose up and cheered, nodding their approval for their Dragon Princesses. By the days end, three letters were prepared, written to the powerful Lords of the respective regions that could hold sway over the Iron Throne. The first was addressed to Lord Crakehall, the second to Lord Tyrell, and the last, to the Captain of Gold Cloaks in Kings Landing. Lord Crakehall was family, even if he was distantly related, and his help would surely be needed. The Tyrell's controlled the bread basket of the Kingdom, and they had been staunch loyalists to the Targaryen's for many years, and lastly, the Gold Cloaks were sworn to keep the peace, and to the Iron Throne. They would be able to tell Rhaenyra and Baela if the city was safe to enter, let alone visit. The two sisters worked together, with the input of their bannermen, to draft these letters, ensuring that they were appropriate and sent off to who they needed to be with. "Have patience, this will be of use to us. We can ill afford to rush into this without knowing what lays before us all." Rhaenyra spoke to her sister, as they sent out the letters via ravens, and to gather their forces in the time it would take for the respective answers to return. [hider=Lord Tyget Crakehall] [i]To the honorable and powerful Lord Paramount Tyget Crakehall[/i], It is with great respect that we write to you, Great Uncle Tyget, loyal bannerman of House Targaryen, and rightful ruler of the Westerlands. It has been a few years since we've last seen each other, not since the death of Prince Jaehaerys and Princess Visenya, our parents. Our parents have always spoken highly of you, especially of how honorable and loyal you are. What is more, they said that we could always count on you, when a time of need should arise for either one of us. And it is with this, that we write to you, Lord Tyget Crakehall. It is said that you respect the laws of the Iron Throne, and that you were always a man who held his honor above all else. I know that it sounds impetuous of us to remind you of the precedent set down by Queen Daenerys and King Aegon VI, allowing for female heirs to inherit the Iron Throne as equally as a male heir. We are all of the same blood, Great Uncle, but, through succession, myself, Rhaenyra and Baela, are far closer in the line of succession, than you are. I know that you are putting forth your name for King, as you have the best interests for the Kingdom at heart, and as such, are merely trying your best to keep the throne from falling into the hands of the monster, The Mad Prince Daenys, or other people who would dare usurp the Iron Throne from its rightful heir. Great Uncle, please, rescind your claim onto the Iron Throne, and help its rightful heir's sit upon it, and keep the peace that has prospered for so many years. If we do not unite, if we choose to remain divided, the whole of the Seven Kingdoms will descend into chaos and war. You have the men and resources that can either mend the damage left behind by King Aegon X's death, or tear our home asunder. We must unite to defend the realm from its true enemies, Prince Daenys, the Iron Born, and any else who would seek to break the Throne's peace. Please, we humbly beseech you, in the blood that we share, the love we had for the King, that you do what is right, and lay down your claim to the throne, no good will come of this. House Targaryen is Fire and Blood, and we will defend our rightful claim to the throne, by the blood in our veins, and the fire of our twin dragons. With Love and Respect, Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen II and Princess Baela Targaryen II [/hider] [hider=Lord Garland Tyrell] [i]Lord Hand Garland Tyrell, Warden of the South[/i], My Lord Hand, Lord Tyrell, you served faithfully and honorably to our Uncle, King Aegon X. It was by your wise and careful stewardship that King Aegon X and yourself were able to usher in an era of unparalleled peace and prosperity for the Kingdom. You were always there for our Uncle, and have been for our family. You have proved time, and time again, your loyalty to House Targaryen. Mother and Father always spoke highly of your and your family. They told us of how your family is to be counted among the greatest ally's of House Targaryen. Your family controls the bread basket of our great Kingdom, ensuring that food fills the bellies of all, great and small alike, and that there is always a bastion against the ravages of winter when the need is most dire. It is thus that we write to you, our esteemed ally and friend. We know that our claim to the Iron Throne is just and righteous. My sister and I have the sworn duty to our family to ensure that the Iron Throne remains in the rule of its rightful heir, and that peace and prosperity always remain in place for all of the people of the Seven Kingdoms. The Mad Prince Daenys is disinherited, and by rights, so are the claims of his son. Both are know where to be seen, nor his lady wife. Lord Garland Tyrell, please, help us do the right thing, and ensure that the Iron Throne passes to Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen II, so that the hard fought peace that so many died for in the past is not in vain. Lord Hand, it is also our wish to meet with you in person, in order to talk as equals, as friends of old. We have long counted on not only the loyalty of your House, but your friendship as well. Let us together ensure a continued era of peace rules over the Kingdoms. We both know the Kingdom will bleed, we both know from the history of the past, that a war can not be afforded, especially one that would no doubt involve dragons. We do not wish to see anymore blood shed, or for innocent lives to be lost. We are all oath bound and honor bound to the laws set down by the Kings of the past, and those of King Aegon X. With all due respect and honors, Rhaenyra Targaryen II and Baela Targaryen II [/hider] [hider=Ser Willas Tyrell] [i] Ser Willas Tyrell, Commander of the Gold Cloaks, Kings Landing[/i], Ser Willas, Commander of the City Watch, esteemed member of House Tyrell, we write to you in the pursuit of peace and prosperity for the whole of the Kingdom. And it is with these wishes, we have come to you in these most dire of times. With the death of our great King Aegon X, much is uncertain about the future. What can happen, or will happen, rests solely on the shoulders of the men and women whom control the power of arms and men. You are said to be the Commander of the City Watch, the Gold Cloaks. As such, the city's peace and safety rest upon you and your men, especially now with trying times that no doubt beset our great capital. With the disinheritance of the Mad Prince Daenys, and that of his wife and son, the line of succession for the Iron Throne is in question. My sister and I wish to visit the capital, to see what is to become of our great Kingdom, and for us to pay our respects to our Uncle, King Aegon X. The Iron Throne has served as the seat for the Targaryen line for hundreds of years, with a rightful ruler always justly and rightfully ruling from the Red Keep. We ask if you can ensure our safety within the Capital, that no harm will come of us in Kings Landing if we are to come to our family's ancestral home, to rightfully lay claim to the Iron Throne, and to pay homage to our Lord Uncle, King Ageon X. Please, let us know what can be done in these trying times. With respect, Princess Rhaenyra II and Princess Baela II [/hider]