It was late at night, dogs barking off somewhere in the distance, Kamm Kutuk rubbed his nose as he was given the letter. The Bennipolitan seal, a fine one at that. A great turtle, which was a little amusing, yet something so strong hiding beneath it. With a swift motion he cut the convert up, and took the message. He read through it with a mixture of terror, fascination and bewilderment playing in his large, hazel eyes. Momentarily, he jumped into his writing table and began to scribble wildly. Putting a seal of Kamalao on it, he gave it to a mail raven, whispering the destination to it. The raven spread its wings and took off for the flight to Bennipolis. [hider=City State of Bennipolis]To Basileus Eponymous We, the people of Kamalao Republi are glad to finally see the spark of cooperation ignire between our two great nations, and as such, I proclaim that we accept your alliance proposal May Svarog be with you at all times, Sincerely, From Kamm Kutuk and all of Kamalao.[/hider] He sighed, looking as the hordes of celebrating people from the Svarog rituals began to fade, leaving only a few drunken bastards sleeping on benches to be disturbed by dogs. The guards were armed with blunderbusses, yet with a strangely shaped chainmail and protective leather. Soon, a knock on the door made them turn towards it, warily opening it. A messenger stood, with the colours of Valm on his coat. He has kneeled before the Kamm, and finally was able to stand up. As Kutuk heard through the deal, he pondered. Bennipolis only needs aid if they are invaded, and as such we are able to make a deal with Valm... "We'll think of it, and then write the letter to your seniors, go off now." The messenger went off, being fed and given drinks. He was given a carriage, and then continued on his way off towards his homeland.