[hider=Side Characters][center] [img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/def3732f8fa7793a530f73e15a22a0bc/tumblr_inline_nz7brdZUN81t7p3bd_500.png[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Kirimoto Tatsumia [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Height:[/b] 6ft 3in [b]Weight:[/b] 140lb [b]Likes:[/b] His girlfriend, messing with people, making people angry, seeing girls cry, causing chaos [b]Dislikes: [/b]People who think they are better than him, uppity hero-types, vegetables, quitters, no being in control [b]Party Trick:[/b] Slight of hand that boarders on pickpocketing and petty theft and maybe stealing someone else's girl for the night. [b]Profession:[/b] He goes to his university classes, but won't tell people much of anything else he does. It probably isn't legal. [b]Bio/Personality:[/b] Best described as a boy with the smile of an angel and the heart of devil, Kirimoto is a sadist. It isn't fun for him unless he sees tears or blood. He and his girlfriend are always in an on again, off again relationship, which is pretty open for the most part since she likes having more gentle experiences and he loves people who can really keep up with his need to inflict pain. Kirimoto is wolfish, animalistic and can be the most mean-spirited boy for anyone to come across, but he can also be protective, loyal and knows how to treat anyone he is with like the gem they must be to be able to keep up with him. He isn't as vibrant as his sister. In fact he's all the darkness while she is the light. And he may not like her very much, but only he is allowed to mess with her. It's usually one of the reasons he gets into fights so often, especially with the weirdos she always seems to be hanging around. Of course the other reason he gets into fights so often is because of his 'party tricks' and bad tendency to steal more than just someone's wallet. [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/diabolik-lovers/images/a/ac/2434.png/revision/latest?cb=20131116101515[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Reioji Kamutatsa aka Ouji-sama [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Height:[/b] 6ft 5in [b]Weight:[/b] 147lb [b]Likes:[/b] innocent cute things, tea, people with manners, tears, being refined [b]Dislikes: [/b]Punks and low-lifes, macho men, actually most men, people not doing as they are told, losing control [b]Party Trick:[/b] He is not anyone's entertainer, everyone else is his entertainment [b]Profession:[/b] University student, musical prodigy, composer [b]Bio/Personality:[/b] Were you expecting Prince Charming? Oh dear, you must of passed him by ages ago to get to someone as dark and twisted as Reioji. A calm and collected person on the surface, this is a man with obsessive tendencies and even more arrogant ideals of grandure than most rich kids. Falling for him is like falling for a devil, because if you are unlucky enough to capture his attention, he'll play with you like a cat plays with a toy. Love doesn't exist. Only chemically induced obsession. So run, little red, run. This is one big bad wolf you don't want the misfortune of coming across. [/center] [/hider]