[center][h1]Cyano Conablum[/h1][/center] [hr] After Cyano easily dispatched a couple more of the ultron bots, she noticed eto fighting the main body. As much as Cyano wanted to rip him apart herself, it seemed Eto wanted the honors. Didn't bother her, she would have plenty of time when they finally got hold of him. Seeing that grimlock was making short work of the rest of the ultron bots, Cyano scanned the area for the chair that Eto had been sitting in earlier. She wasn't using it, and it wasn't like their was anything pressing for Cyano to do besides blow a few ultron out of the air. But that could easily be done from a reclined position. Oh! And there- just as soon as she noticed it, an ultron bot had grabbed it and flung it at her like it was a frisbee. The initial grab and throw had already damaged it, but as it landed behind Cyano, she would find it was completely destroyed. That was... unpleasant. To say the least. [hider]cue angry Cano music[youtube]https://youtu.be/E0q7B1W6ANs[/youtube][/hider] Suffice to say, that didn't exactly make Cyano happy. Quite the opposite in fact. Well, if they wanted to deny her her chair. She would simply have to make a new one. Perhaps out of the bots mangled bodies. The ultron bot that had thrown the chair flew at Cyano at a rather incredible speed. That was a mistake. As soon as it got into range, Cyano swiped at it with her sword, and cleanly separated it's head from the rest of the body. The head would flip through the air, while the body continued onward into another ultron, destroying them both. Cyano would then catch the head as it fell back down, before crushing it. Seeing as the ultron bots numbers seemed to be growing, Cyano figured it would be a good time to make use of all the tools she had at hand. Cyano tossed the head with all her strength at the nearest ultron, before pulling out her multi weapon. Now, what Cyano was specifically doing was trying to get one ultron hand intact. Not for any specific reason, she just needed something hard enough to shape the chair she was going to make. Sadly, through all her slashing and slicing and blasting, none of the arms seemed to come out unscathed. That was trying, to say the least about it. However, after going through a good number of bots, she finally found one that worked. Of course, most of the ultron bots were now focused on Eto. From what it looked like, they were trying to distract her. Oh well, she could handle herself. Cyano had work to do. Almost as soon as Cyano started work though, a rather large ultron, a hulkbuster, slammed the pile of ultrons she was going to use out of the way... seriously? Cyano sighed, and then looked back at Eto. "Hey, can you hurry up and kill the thing already? I want to try and make it back home in time for lunch." The hulkbuster had been polite enough to only threateningly roar while she said that, though as soon as she finished it unleashed a powerful punch towards her. Sadly for it, it wasn't exactly fast. So Cyano quickly dodged out of its way, and began to "dismantle" it.