Feeling the electricity about in the air as he flew from yet another disabled turret, Virgil took a breath, electricity flowing from his fingers down to his feet. "Keep it up, Cap!" Static called, before heading to an area in even more need. While the swarm of drones below began to swell, Static glided down, where the turrets would be less likely to target them. Spotting a clustered group, he noted, "Good thing I played a bunch of zombie games as a kid." Flipping over, he fell from his saucer, landing in the middle before releasing a burst of energy across the ground...to little apparent effect. Well, that wasn't quite true, as the techno-zombies began to encroach on his personal space. Hopping up, as his saucer turned back around, his hand clung firmly to the underside as he made to get away, but a grabby hand or two found their marks, gripping him on his coat and leg. "Hey! You're invading my personal [i]spaaaaaace[/i]!" Static whined as only a younger brother could as he kicked one leg free. Starting to float up, he felt his coat get caught, slipping one arm out before floating up, swapping his grip and getting his other arm free, coat falling into the group unceremoniously. Flipping his saucer, he hurtled up, landing on the upward side, before aiming his fingers like pistols. Saucer circling the group he'd attracted, he floated up a bit as he fired a series of small electrical bolts, which once again seemed to impact with little to no effect. However, the opposite charges combined with the larger one he done moments ago effectively halted the drones for a bit, as the now charged zombies clung to the electrified surface, unable to move. Of course, compared to Wonder Woman and Bluebird's trails of beaten drones...shaking his head Static called, "I'll line 'em up..."