Hey all! Wow, this got more interest than I figured! I'll try to answer some questions, while I finish up the OOC, which is proving a lot more detailed than I initially wanted it to be. Turns out when you only have one location, it ends up rather detailed. [hider=februari] [@februari] Good question. I've been debating this ever since more people expressed interest than I figured would. Here's what I'm thinking, and if it seems unfair please let me know: In my experience, large-group roleplays are much more prone to stretching thin and losing steam fast. If we extend the offer to have a group that's too large, I'm worried about losing interest; hence the 5 player limit. In interest of both representation and interest, I am [b]still keeping the gender balance rule.[/b] That is, just as many women as men. In my experience it makes for more [s]drama[/s] interesting storylines. However, I'm going to bend my own rules and [b]raise the character limit to seven players, so 4 women and 3 men.[/b] I have no intention of altering this number to add more people any further. I am also (realizing there are 8 people currently interested, as of this afternoon) going to be accepting characters like this: Once the OOC comes up, I won't be accepting characters for 24 hours. Then, I'll be accepting them by their interest and what diversity they bring to the roleplay, not the time posted. Finally, any other players interested will be added to a [i]standing waiting list.[/i] If we loose players or something happens which causes a player to drop out, I'll be contacting people in the order that they expressed interest. [/hider] [hider=Ikthaias] [@Ikthaias] So far, no limits are being set. The only real requirements are that the characters exist in [u]this[/u] version of modern reality. That is, that modern technology is being acknowledged, but not being utilized on the ship in any real capacity. The goal is to treat the open ocean as a sort of "last frontier," with more strange places and fantastical elements than what we'd normally expect in 2016. Also, I'm not setting a year, either. Just think "modern." The reason I'm doing this is so players don't feel like they have to constantly alter their mindsets and responses to a past time, but are also uninhibited by reasoning such as "they could just Google it" or things of this nature. Let me know if this makes sense! As for your other question, the boat is not equipped for battle, but no one will be mad if you brought a gun or two aboard. :) [/hider] [hider=Simple Unicycle] [@Simple Unicycle] I'm not going to rule it out. :) I'd just like to clarify that I don't have a super-structured plot. Just ideas and places. I'm hoping for lots of suggestions and ideas in the OOC, so we can all go where we'd like! [/hider] That's all for now. Expect the OOC [u]hopefully[/u] within 12 hours. I'll still be able to answer questions until then.