[center] [img] http://img08.deviantart.net/8097/i/2012/079/0/0/medieval_bedroom_by_serenya-d4td8wa.jpg [/img] [/center] Jehrilla awoke with the haze of sleep clouding her eyes, as the sights and sounds of the world began to flicker into being. The dull throbbing of a hangover chewed away inside her head, but she knew that it would only take some water and a substantial breakfast before it cleared up. Her already huge stomach was bloated with the festivities of the night before, and it took her a good few moments to roll over beneath its enormous weight. That was when she noticed her sleeping companion. Garland Tyrell’s flowing brown hair was cast out across the pillows as he slept, his muscular physique tight and firm. The Yunkai’i noblewoman could see the strong build that his many tourneys had earned him, cast in a bronze light beneath the glow of the chamber’s torches. She couldn’t help but grin at the undeniable handsomeness of last night’s conquest. The sweet wines and meats of the night before sat heavily in the pale-skinned young woman’s gut, and she very much doubted that the Lord Tyrell wanted to be sharing a bed with her when nature took its course. Laughing her shrill, snorty laugh, Jehrilla plopped heavily out of bed, her massive, naked form shaking as she landed on the cold stone floor. She snatched her dress up off of the sleeping rug and squeezing herself into it, causing her to break wind, much to her own amusement. The bronze scales of her form-fitting garment jangled with each sow-like step she took, clanking as she slipped her silk slippers over her plump toes. Jehrilla padded, as quietly as an obese colossus in clinking metal scales could, her way out of the chamber, shutting the large wooden door behind her. Turning on her heel, and grinning triumphantly, it was then that the Wise Master of Yunkai first met the Lady Alerie Tyrell.