[center][color=violet][b]Sienna Rodriguez[/b][/color] [b]Hogwarts Express[/b] [color=violet]***[/color][/center] [@McHaggis] [@Potter] Sienna was relieved that Dally’s feathers weren’t causing Morgan’s reactions. She’d never heard of someone disliking animals so much that they sneezed and coughed from simply being around them, but, to each their own. Sienna fell quiet for a moment, watching as Morgan fiddled with his trunk to withdraw his seventh year DADA textbook. Morgan was in the middle of opening it when he spoke again, asking if her piercings had hurt. His questions were interrupted briefly by the arrival of Tessa, a familiar Slytherin who was often the subject of discrimination because of her blood heritage. Sienna smiled warmly as she joined them, then turned back to Morgan, who seemed eager to hear the answer. [color=violet]”Oh,”[/color] she said; slightly surprised that he was showing genuine interest. [color=violet]”I suppose they did hurt a bit when they were first pierced; but because I got them magically done, they healed much more quickly than piercings from a muggle shop would have. Now they don’t hurt at all. I'm not sure what spells the artist used, but I'm sure they'd be easy to find if you did some research on Magical Body Art. If you're interested, I got them at the "Tatoo Artist" shop in Diagon Alley.”[/color] Sienna glanced from Dally to Tessa’s owl. [color=violet]“That’s a nice barn owl,”[/color] Sienna said. [color=violet]“He looks sweet. What’s his name?”[/color] If there was any subject that Sienna didn’t mind making small talk about, it was animals and magical creatures. She felt calmest when she was talking to Dally or studying a new specimen in Care of Magical Creatures. Someday, she hoped to see a Phoenix in person—maybe even meet the one who had given the feather for her wand, if possible. But for now, she was more than satisfied with Dally’s company and with being able to spend time around animals both magical and non-magical.