Welcome, weary traveller, to one of Zurnt's 1x1 searches. This time, I'm looking for someone to join me in a very specific roleplay. I want to tell the story of a young monster Tamer and their Guardian Beast. This is a FxF Advanced story, not necessarily with adult or romantic tones (leaving that up to the plot progression) but is more importantly (like most monster-taming stories) about camaraderie and friendship. Both of the roles are open to slight-to-significant changes depending on what ideas you might have, and I am willing to play either. Someone willing to dive in, engage, invent, and play many multiples preferred. Look ahead if you so choose. [hider=Clicky! Clicky! ] In this low-tech high-fantasy world, the biggest threats to human kind are the great and powerful Tyrant Beasts, such as the massive Twin-Headed Molten Ice Dragon, the Gluttonous Behemoth Sloth, and the Ivory Titan Kraken. For countless ages, Humans lived in the dark, only capable of rising to prominence when the last of the Great Elf Kings, Diaz, on his deathbed, granted his human wife the knowledge of the Beast Pact. By opening a magical summoning circle, a lesser being can use their Will to contract a Guardian, a special kind of Beast deeply intertwined with the user's spirit. With this knowledge, the Human Queen became the first Empress of the Diaz Empire and brought mankind out of the shadows and into the light. Taming and raising these Guardians is the only way Humans can defend their small slice of peace in the endlessly large and expansive wilderness, with the Empress herself being the most important figure, passing down the most powerful First Guardian from Empress to Empress in order to guarantee the safety of the citizens. Our story follows two young women on their journey from adolescence to adulthood, coming to support one another in their goals and ultimately carve their names in the books of legend. [b][Character One:][/b] Third Daughter of a noble bloodline, although most see her as a princess, this girl's life is far from fairy tale. She is met daily with harsh training, strict lessons, and endless criticism. As one of the inheritors of her family's proud lineage, she must contract with a Guardian and become a Tamer in order to protect the Empire. Only, the girl is widely renowned as a failure, utter trash without the Will to command so much as a One-Horned Rat. In truth, the girl loves Beasts but is utterly terrified by them, having had a traumatic experience in her youth, greatly stunting her potential as a Tamer. Even so, she has no choice in the matter, and must live up to her duty even under the jeers and derision of her family and peers. [b][Character Two:][/b] A girl from Earth who can be aptly summed up as a Monster Geek. She loves all things monsters, and has a near encyclopedic knowledge of mythical beasts and their origins and specialties. Strong-willed, opinionated, and profoundly lonely, she ignores the criticisms of her hobby and hopes to one day become a designer capable of creating all varieties of imaginative and fascinating monsters of her own. Only, that dream is cut short when she is caught up in Character One's summoning of her Guardian, and is brought into this new world to serve as the girl's Guardian. Only, she's now occupying the body of a Beast! She can't speak, and the only one she can communicate with is the girl through their special bond. Her job is to follow orders and fight other Beasts for her Tamer, but is that really alright? Will she be able to find a way home, or is this new world what she wanted all along? [hider=Information about the Tamers/Beasts/Guardians:] Beasts exist everywhere, even inside the Diaz Empire. Many are weak and not too much of a threat to humans, especially those with Guardians, but some are incredibly dangerous. In the vast wilderness, the Beasts only grow stronger and more dangerous. Some of them are rumored to be so powerful that they could wipe out the entire Empire in a matter of days were it not for the protection of the First Guardian. Guardians are contracted Beasts summoned from the wilderness to bind with the spirit of a Tamer. They are still Beasts in every sense of the word, but they are controlled by a powerful force called Will, which all Humans possess. The quantity determines the future potential of the Tamer. The weaker beasts are mostly wild and unintelligent, and therefore much easier to control, but the more powerful beasts can be quite wise and stubborn, requiring a far stronger Will to tame. If a Guardian dies, the Tamer normally experiences a backlash, but it is rarely lethal. They can summon a new Guardian and bind it, but they can only have one at a time. It is not rare for Tamers to swap out their Beasts for stronger ones as their Will increases, and having a fondness for one's beast is considered sentimental and weak since you will most likely discard it in the future. Of course, there are such people in the world, and weaker Beasts are capable of growing stronger and evolving into higher tiers of power with time and patience. This is usually done by consuming the flesh and energies of stronger Beasts, but it is very difficult for a weaker Beast to defeat a stronger one. There are magical and martial practices in this world that can allow Humans to grow stronger and fight alongside their beasts. While Taming is considered a far more practical way to raise one's strength, not everyone has a strong enough Will to be capable of it. Powerful Knights and Mages serve as the bulk of the Empire's Army, and some Tamers even train in these combat arts to further support themselves and their Guardian in battle. Beasts regularly try to invade the Empire, which is protected by great mountains, seas, forests, deserts, and massive walls. They come in immense waves, and are constantly beaten back by the loyal and fierce Imperial Armies. Most Tamers are expected to serve in these armies during their training period, though they will usually retire to a position of political power and comfort, only travelling out to battle when truly powerful entities expose themselves. Beasts are loosely divided into different power levels. There are nine levels, and three ranks in each level. Ranks: [Bronze] < [Silver] < [Gold] Levels: [Fair] < [Wild] < [Fierce] < [Great] < [Grand] < [Arch] < [King] < [Emperor] < [Tyrant] If a Bronze Rank Fair Beast is the weakest, then a Gold Rank Tyrant Beast is the strongest. Every three levels, there is a large qualitative leap in strength. Although a Gold Rank Great Beast should be able to match up to a Bronze Rank Grand Beast, a Gold Rank Arch Beast has absolutely no chance against a Bronze Rank King Beast. The same goes for the level between Fierce Beast and Great Beast. These are known as the [Low], [Middle], and [High] classes. Beasts also have affinities that can alter the nature of their battles. Flying Beasts usually have an advantage over land-bound Beasts. Sea Beasts will always have the advantage in water, but weaken on land. [Agility] < [Power] [Power] < [Magic] [Magic] < [Agility] Elemental Affinities: [Fire] < [Water] < [Thunder] < [Earth] < [Wind] < [Wood] < [Fire] [Metal] is a special Element with resistance to Water, Wood, and Wind, and weaknesses to [Fire], [Earth], and [Thunder]. [Metal] is a very rare element. Sub-Elemental Affinities are: [Mind] <-> [Space], [Life] <-> [Death], [Order] <-> [Chaos]. These Sub-Elements are in balance with each other and have no clear hierarchy. They are much rarer and generally considered more powerful than Elemental Affinities. Beasts can have many different affinities in differing quantities, but most have a single or dual affinity. Beasts with many affinities that cancel out are considered to have no affinity. In a fight between Guardians of the same level and rank, the battle is usually decided by the affinity match up of the beasts, as well as the Will and experience of the Tamer. A greater Will allows for more delicate control of the Beast, allowing more intricate battle tactics. Tamers can also fight, but even the strongest Knight in the Empire is only a match for a Gold-Ranked Arch Beast. The strongest Mage is on par with a Bronze-Rank King Beast. [/hider] [hider=Information on the Empire:] The political strife in the Diaz Empire is significant, but never to the extent where the human race would put themselves at risk. The hierarchy helps to enforce this idea. Generally speaking, [Empress] > [Emperor] > [King] > [Duke] > [Earl] > [Knight] > [Citizen] > [Slave] There is only one Empress, who passes their title and Guardian Beast on to whomever they believe as a worthy successor. They are always female, and always very beautiful and cultured, otherwise they cannot inherit the First Guardian. They have absolute power in the Diaz Empire, but normally serve as a figurehead while the actual political grind is carried out by the Emperor. This is mostly because the Empress could die at any time, and must often travel to raise the citizen's morale. The Empress commands no troops, but can conscript nine people of her choosing, even if they are a King. These people then become one of the Nine, and must sever all ties to their family and power and serve the Empress faithfully until death. If the current Empress dies, they are put to death alongside her. This is the highest authority in the Empire, and this Divine Right allows the Empress to levy a great deal of power and fear if used properly. If one tries to resist this conscription, they and their entire family will be put to death by the combined might of the Empire. The Emperor is a position appointed by the Empress. This position has always been traditionally filled by a man, but there is no solid rule on this. It is usually filled by the legal husband of the Empress, but has also been carried by fathers, brothers, or even close friends. The most important part of this position is political ability and strength enough to protect it. The Emperor is, for all intents and purposes, the hands of the Empress. The Emperor commands his own military force. This single strongest military force in the Empire is made up of six Imperial armies, each controlled by a General of the Emperor's choosing. These Generals usually build their own armies from the ground up, and one is tasked to protect each of the four borders of the Empire, while the other two handle inner conflicts. These armies are regularly swapped out and disbanded, and the casualty rate is very high. There are four Kingdoms in the Diaz empire, each ruled by a King or Queen that are directly subordinate to Emperor. They are royal lines with their own goals and plans, though all of them hope to foster a female heir worthy enough to become the Empress one day. Each Kingdom is allotted two armies of their own make. These armies are usually used to manage the security of the Kindgom, and occasionally reinforce the Imperial armies in times of need. The casualty rate in these armies is much, much lower, but outstanding members are often picked up by one of the Emperor's Generals, so the quality is generally not as good. In each of the kingdoms are the lesser nobles, each vying to either usurp power in their kingdom or support the current rule. Dukes are normally siblings of Kings and Queens, lesser in status only due to the machinations of fate. They normally control equal or even greater power to their monarchs. Earls are usually fallen Dukes, having lost a great deal of their status due to the constantly shifting political landscape of the Diaz Empire. Dukes and Earls can shift up and down in rank depending on the family of the current King or Queen. Knights, meanwhile, are the most numerous of the nobles, since anyone in the Diaz empire can be promoted to Knight through service and achievement. Each Knight is awarded land and servants, and is required to serve in the military. Although they are the lowest ranked noble, there are some Knights that command power equal to the Dukes, and are only unable to rise in rank due to their bloodline. The strength of a Noble is usually determined by which Knight families, and to a lesser degree how many, are in support of them. Regular citizens can also hold great power, such as significant Merchant Families and Mercenary Troupes, but these powers are rarely neutral and more often than not work to support a particular noble family. The quality of living in the lower classes is determined greatly by their own merits, and those who are unable to support themselves are generally left to fade away while the strong trample over them. Filial piety, strength, and honor are the defining tenets these people are taught to live by. In order for humanity to survive, the weak cannot be tolerated. Slaves are a common commodity in the Empire, and are usually made up of Demi-Humans - humans long-descended from intelligent humanoid Beasts, less-heinous criminals, and fallen noble families. All slaves have a brand embedded on their left breast, which allows them to be controlled by Will much the same way as a Guardian. Although they can resist, their heart will undoubtedly burst under the strain. This is more insurance than anything, and most slaves will follow orders without being coerced. Although slaves are denied the right to own anything, even the rights to their own life, it is still illegal to mistreat or outright murder them. Slaves exist to make the Humans feel powerful, to feel as if they aren't the lowest entities on the food chain, and serve to greatly improve the citizen's morale. Publicly acting against a slave would be stain on the offenders honor. The slave brand, once administered, is impossible to remove but not impossible to hide. There have been stories of slaves masking their brands and amassing power before, only being revealed upon death. Unless one actively tries to enforce their Will on a slave, or sees the brand, there is no way to tell them apart from a normal person. The Nine have a special version of this slave brand imprinted on them, where only the Empress can enforce her Will upon them. The Diaz Empire uses Gold, Silver, and Bronze coins. Bronze coins are called Imperial Hooves, and are equivalent to ten silver coins. Silver coins are called Imperial Horns, and are equivalent to ten gold coins. Gold coins are called Imperial Heads, and are equivalent to a single head of cattle. The yearly expenses of a small family of five in the Diaz Empire is Five Imperial Heads, hence there is a joke that a human life in the Empire is only worth a single gold coin. [/hider] [/hider] If you're interested, please PM me with a small sample and a short introduction of yourself. If you're not completely sold yet, feel free to PM me with questions instead. If you're not interested in this story, but in this little Zurnt instead, I'm hesitantly open to suggestions. PM me.