[hider=F7-250][b]Name:[/b] F7-250 [b]Age:[/b] 4 months off of the factory line [b]Gender:[/b] N/A (however, often referred to as a male) [b]Race:[/b] Droid [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://img09.deviantart.net/4ff0/i/2005/085/3/1/robot_thing_by_morriperkele.jpg[/img] F7’s model is rather strange in comparison to more mundane droids like astromechs or translators. Powerful legs and elongated arms, each bearing three digits at the end, coupled with its streamlined body mark this droid as built for speed and agility. Its large, near seven foot tall silver body is accented with cobalt blue designs which glow palely. F7 moves with a near cat-like grace, every step calculated for its upmost efficiency. [b]Personality:[/b] F7’s primary directive is the care and protection of sentients during times of crisis. As it is a relatively new droid, it has had little time to develop the characteristic quirks of more time-worn robots and mainly sticks to its main functions. However, among sentients that F7 has spent a long time around, the droid develops a bit of an over-protective streak, seeing danger in even the most benign settings. Among such sentients, it will often rattle off the statistical likelihood of certain actions resulting in a gruesome death in a surprisingly chipper tone, though it seems just happy to help rather than happy about the chance of death. During times where its primary function cannot be fulfilled and it is not deactivated, F7 seems content to attach itself to whichever sentient can stand its presence and follow them until ordered otherwise. F7 is extremely fascinated by organic life, finding wonder in even the simplest of biological functions or organic interactions. As such, the droid has taken a shine to downloading data caches relating to organic functions, at times pestering sentients about what it perceives as biological curiosities. [b]Profession:[/b] Emergency Response Droid [b]Skills:[/b] F7 is programed with thousands of medical and safety protocols, and can sufficiently serve as a first responder of near any-kind. From paramedic to firefighter, F7 has the knowledge necessary to protect and serve its organic progenitors. As a droid, it has the basic knowledge regarding its own maintenance and upkeep, but is not designed as a repair droid. F7 can calculate advance mathematical quandaries and wide streams of statistical data at rapid rate, although for truly complex problems it would have to divert the necessary processing power away from its base subroutines. [b]Abilities:[/b] F7’s model was designed with advanced physical capabilities in mind. As a droid dropped into disaster zones with the intent to rescue individuals of interest, F7 was built to withstand a large amount of punishment and traverse unstable buildings quickly and efficiently. The droid is capable of moving at rapid speeds overland and preforming impressive acrobatic feats in order to perform its primary function. This model contains heighten hydraulic capabilities in all of its appendages, allowing it to lift large loads or leap great distances in order to complete its task. However, F7 is not a combat droid, and as such, has no programming which details how it should attack, or even approach, an aggressor. [b]Equipment:[/b] F7 is equipped with a number of in-built technological innovations which aid in its rescue attempts. Infrared vision Night vision Telescopic vision TeleSonic audio pickup Field cauterizer ECM-598 Medical Backpack PED-21 distress beacon Kolto Injectors Medkit Comlink Holoprojector Datapad/Data Link w/ connection to the Extranet BX-333 Biorecorder Foodstuff Ez1 Analyzer Fire-suppression foam [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] F7-250 was an experimental droid built with one directive in mind. One, simple, perfect goal to achieve. Prevent the unnecessary loss of organic life. One of the few of its kind ever created, no expense was spared when it came to the invention and outfitting of this droid. It was to be the first in a line of many rescue droids that were to change the scene of medical field in the known galaxy. Equipped with massive databanks which housed thousands of years of medicinal knowledge relating to hundreds of species across the cosmos, the F7-250 model was truly ahead of its time. Its inventor was projected to make millions, and he had a long list of clients lined up for this droid; ranging anywhere from the Hutt cartels of Nar Shaada to the newly vented Galactic Republic. Unfortunately, the Imperial Remnant caught wind of this robotic wonder. Having no way to steal the plans or outbid their competitors before the inventor was to gift his creation to their enemies, the Imperial Remnant chose to destroy what they could rather than let the Republic seize control of this asset. Launching a series of coordinated bombings against the inventor’s laboratory, F7 was left alone in this galaxy as its brothers and its creator were ripped from existence, the droid itself only escaping destruction by a prodigious collapse of rubble which left it trapped and offline while the bombs continued to rage overhead. Dug up months later by scavengers, F7 was sold as a simple labor droid to the Jedi Order, using its advanced strength and unique design to help the Jedi construct a new temple. Its true directive would resurge once again when, during construction, a large column of rock would crash down on a group of Force-sensitive younglings. Without even a moment’s hesitation, F7 rushed from its work to place itself between the younglings and the falling rubble, catching the rock as its systems strained to compensate for the added weight. From that moment forth, the Jedi realized F7’s true design. Eventually, the droid would be assigned to accompany a group of Jedi Knights on their new mission. [/hider]