[hider=Akyra Shyr] [list][*][u][b]Name[/b][/u]: Akyra Shyr [*][u][b]Age[/b][/u]: 24 [*][u][b]Gender[/b][/u]: Female [*][u][b]Race[/b][/u]: Vahra [hider=About the Vahra] The Vahra are a near-human species that primarily inhabit the planet Ketkuo. Differences between them and humans are few, though the most notable are their lifestyles, traditions and their connection with the force. It is unknown whether the Vahra always had this natural connection or if it was gained due to their traditions, but one thing is for sure - a large number of Vahra are known to be force sensitive. Despite their connection it was never used for anything other than survival. The Vahra inhabit a vast majority of Ketkuo, ranging from the harsh mountainous regions to the ocean coast and the thick forests. They live in clans that range in sizes, often enough to make a small village, though there are large cities found throughout the regions. It is fairly uncommon to find them outside of their home planet due to their close bonds with their families and traditions, and rarely does an individual decide to travel outside of their home planet if given the chance unless they have abandoned their clan. They are associated with the mask that they are often found wearing, most often given the mark of their clan. Young Vahra, or Sightless, are given a mask without eye holes to wear when they are outside of their home. This practice is believed to enhance the other senses that don’t come as naturally as eyesight. It was believed that by mastering the other senses it would create a better hunter and warrior and give a connection to the Earth. During this time of their lives is when force-sensitive Vahra generally find their connection with the force. If a youngling was found without their mask on when outside of their home they were often scolded and given punishment in the form of more duties. Once a Sightless makes their first kill, their mask are given eyeholes and they are given a mentor. During this time they learn the basics of every branch - the fighting techniques of a warrior, the tracking abilities of a hunter, and the healing abilities of a gatherer. After a period of time it is determined where their skills lie, and they are put into one of the three branches and given a mark to symbolize their position. [/hider] [*][u][b]Appearance[/b][/u]: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/56/83/69/5683696590979407c18da91d11f5587a.jpg[/img] Akyra stands at a height of 5'6", which is fairly average for a woman of her age and race, and she possesses a thin frame. Her skin is naturally tan, though it is not without small blemishes, mainly scars along her arms and chest from her own duals. Her hair is dark brown in coloration and it often adorned with small brown feathers. While it is common to find her hair down, she prefers keeping it up in a ponytail to keep it from giving her any issues. Rimmed with dark eyelashes, her almond-shaped eyes are golden and most often posses a gentle look. Like many of her race, she wears the mark of her clan just beneath her left eye, clearly visible by the fact that it is several shades darker than her natural skin color. Though she may no longer live among her clan, she chooses to continue wearing the mask she was given and continues to wear the tribe’s mark on her skin. Akyra’s [url=http://i.imgur.com/kNGhzBsl.jpg?1]mask[/url] is primarily off-white, and the markings a light golden color. It is a full-face mask that had eye slits and a nose, but no mouth. The marking of her tribe is found beneath her eyes, and on her forehead the warrior’s symbol. She generally wears her mask when she is on missions, but leaves it off during casual events or at night. Akyra's attire is similar to that of the past Jedis' - simple and comfortable. She personally prefers varying shades of brown, though she may occasionally be found with robes or a cloak tinted with a rusty red. [*][u][b]Personality[/b][/u]: After leaving her home planet, Akyra began an attempt to cut any emotional ties that she might have with anyone. Due to this she may often seem distant from others. Solitude is where she finds her comfort, so working alongside more than one other individual is an experience that she must get used to again. Despite being distant, she is surprisingly comforting to be around since she is equipped with her mother’s gentle heart. Her social skills are not entirely lacking, however, as some of her master’s habits and way have leaked onto her, allowing Akyra to get along with a sense of humor that one might not expect from the masked Vahra. For the most part Akyra is more than capable of keeping herself composed, even in stressful situations. However, she is prone to irritation when things don’t go her way. Grudges are something that she holds for a short while, and she is incredibly stubborn once her mind is made up. [*][u][b]Profession[/b][/u]: Jedi Knight (Jedi Healer) [*][u][b]Skills/Abilities[/b][/u]: Like many of her kind, Akyra had a natural connection with the force that only strengthened with her training. Her skills undoubtedly lie within this powerful connection, and whereas others may rely primarily on their skill with the lightsaber, she relies on often using the force in battle. While she is a practitioner of Form III(Soresu), and also somewhat well-versed in Form VI(Niman), she prefers to sway away from the option of combat, so the use of her weapon and the force is most often used only for defense when she absolutely needs it. Due to the path that she follows, Akyra holds much knowledge in the art of healing, often with the aid of the force. However, even without it she is aware of a number of alternative methods to help heal wounds. Stealth is one skill that helps her get around undetected as well, something that can prove to be important when she is on the battlefield. She is difficult to catch, and quick to escape. [*][u][b]Equipment[/b][/u]: Akyra wields a pale yellow lightsaber with a dark silver hilt, adorned with a light gold to match her mask. The hilt is slightly curved as well, an addition that was added to match her own preference. She also carries a number of special crystals with her to amplify her abilities when it comes to healing. Along with these crystals, she has a number of basic medical supplies, ranging from bandages and stitches to burn relievers and natural antibiotics. [*][u][b]Brief Backstory[/b][/u]: Akyra was born on her home planet of Ketkuo, to Clan Shyr. Her mother was the Spiritual Leader, while her father a warrior. Due to their limited interaction with the outside world, the Vahra saw little to nothing of the war, though they were not completely left in the dark. So for the most part Akyra grew up the same way her parents had - given a mask that forced her to utilize all of her senses other than her sight. It was then that she found out that she was force-sensitive, realizing that she could sense the life around her easily. She did not grow up without war, of course - at the time, clan wars were not uncommon. Akyra was recruited by a man named Kilar Shian, a jedi that was sent to revive connections with the Vahra after the war. A number of their kind were taken for training, Akyra being among them. In honor of their new path those that were chosen were given the mark of a warrior, even if they had not yet completed their training. Akyra was chosen to train under Kilar Shian. Since then her abilities have grown and she has begun leaning towards the path of a healer.[/list] [/hider]