Alessandro flinched lightly at Rei's touch, not out of fear but surprise, aside to check him over for wounds the fae did not really do touching on any level. he felt the soothing power flow through him and was somewhat startled, though made no mention of it or move to show what was happening. Peter seemed to flinch more deeply at the fae's fingers and soon they were removed, the Prince offering a protesting squire his shirt before draping his own jacket around his shoulders. Glancing to Rei the Prince tried hard not to smile, "Thank you." He uttered, elaborating not on what he was thanking the fae for as he wasn't fully sure himself. The attempt to help for sure, the anger for their predicament and not reacting to the trouble his father caused. He lead the little trio back to his room, the odd glance from the servants silenced by the fae who seethed behind them. Though mutters were more about Peter and his activities than the prince's bared chest. Once back at the room Peter sighed, slightly crestfallen but the Prince smiled that gentile smile that said that everything would be okay. He knew about the rumours about Peter and likely knew how true some of them were -for every now and then a rough client would suddenly apologise and give Peter a 'Present' of a few coins to make up for the hurt they'd caused-. He still cared about Peter despite all that and now, now he approached Peter and tilted the boy's head, pressing his lips lightly to those of Peters. "Thank you. You were wonderful." Peter forgot about the pain he had for a moment and wilted inside, unable to reply even as the Prince backed away and shed his jacket, rummaging through the drawers by his bed to find a vial one third full of the tonic the healer had given him. He sought out the clean scraps of cloth he kept hidden there and beckoned a still frazzled Peter to lay on the bed. The boy instinctively complied, laying on his front and wincing the whole way down. "I will not lie Peter, this will hurt but as long as you keep it clean and properly cared for they won't scar." [i]And if they do I will kill that man.[/i] He smiled gently and applied the tonic to the cloth before carefully swiping the wounds. Peter did well to bite back the tears and bit into his own arm to stop from crying out but soon had his face buried in the Prince's pillow to muffle his yells. Each sound seemed to hurt the Prince more and towards the end his hands began to shake. Hurting Peter was not something he'd ever wanted to do and yet here and now he was forced to for his own good. When he was done he recorked the vial and lay a cool hand on the unmarred flesh of Peter's back. He said nothing for a moment, swallowing a lump in his throat before he leaned down and whispered into the boy's ear. "I'm so sorry. Stay in the castle tonight Peter, please?" The boy nodded but said nothing for several minutes before finally he began to painfully move and sit himself up again. He wiped his red eyes and smiled at the Prince, "Keep it uncovered as much as possible and keep it clean. We'll skip training tomorrow but I will talk you through other aspects of being a knight." The boy's eyes flashed with excitement and with a small, croaky thank you he gave a small bow and left. With it just he and Rei the Prince lay himself on the bed, face down, he offered up the vial, "I can not reach my own back, would you mind?" As he waited for Rei to take it he continued, "Thank you, for not attacking the Steward, Lord knows he would deserve it but the wrath of my father would be unparalleled. They have been friends for longer than my mother has known my father. In the hall, when you laid your hands on us, was that magic?"