[i]As the knight's original intent had been to block first and step after, rather than the reverse, and since his raised shield likely obscured his vision of the imminent foot of Zande, it wouldn't have been terribly unlikely for him to be caught in the trap anyways. The axe had been delayed, but not the clawed boot. But, it missed in the end and the wildman was flanked. Zande wouldn't follow through with his mighty downwards swing. Another advantage of him taking his sweet time to land a hit. It allowed room for error and readjustment. He'd whirl to the right as Zachary slashed, aiming to swing his primed axe in sideways to take off the man's sword arm and perhaps a portion of lung whilst the man was in the midst of his blow. The cannibal screamed in shrill ferocity as his monstrous weapon surged, eyes bulging and jaws agape. The knight's attack would still be able to remove the wildman's armor and put a nice gouge in the back meat, but all that devotion to a swing strong enough to do so would put him in a tough spot to block or dodge the mortal blow of the headhunter. Zande didn't know where his opponent was aiming, but certainly he was the sort of lunatic that would unflinchingly sacrifice himself to defeat an enemy.[/i]