Anise didn't care for the lack of clear response about the witch, but was definitely disturbed by the mention of her appearing behind her to surprise her. However, she felt confident with her new senses brought through the lantern that even if the witch did appear suddenly behind her, the surprise would be very much so lessened. Her disappointment grew further when Morly said that there was no way to peaceably deal with the griffons. The vastness of what she felt when she turned her senses into the lantern left her feeling a awed and nearly overwhelmed by the power that she held. Then the flash of red interrupted any further thoughts she might have had about the lantern as her attention shifted to the individual hiding the light of their lantern. She sensed the person was frightened and yet determined, something she felt she could relate to perfectly. After all she felt the same feelings when she first arrived in this forest. The lantern hooked onto the lantern that the other individual held and Anise saw flashes of fire not unlike the fire that happened not that long ago. The fire that this river put out. Anise could feel the raw power, the destruction that she could reap with that lantern. Beneath her hawk mask she wore a crazed grin very much like when she was in her murderous craze. That darkness she thought she defeated came back to her with a new level of determination. The temptation to destroy whomever held the red lantern: the Lantern of Fire and take it for herself was very strong. All she had to do was use the power she held now in order to do so. Anise then gripped the Spirit Lantern tighter as she braced herself against the hunger for power and destruction. [i]Do you not want it?[/i] She felt the presence of Dark Anise returning. Poking, prodding, tempting. [i]With this power you could do whatever you want. Why don't you just take it?[/i] Anise closed her eyes and slowed her breaths. [i]No. I will not let you consume me.[/i] Dark Anise glowered dubiously in the dark corners of Anise's mind. [i]Oh? But I am all consuming. You'll succumb to me yet. There will come a time where you'll need me. Why not take advantage of me now? You could use the... firepower to destroy the griffons as the pirate ship.[/i] Anise put up her defenses harder than ever before. [i]No. I have friends.[/i] Anise thought of the spirit of Tyaelaem that was still following from a distance. She thought of Reus whom chose to defend her against the Lord of Shadow despite his own lack of power. [i]I am not alone. I am a protector, not a destroyer. I am a light in a dark cold place.[/i] She reopened her eyes with a fierce determination. [i]I am the Lady of Light and I will protect those that cannot protect themselves. I will help those lost in the darkness and as soon as I find a way to return home I will guide the lost ones back to where they belong. Those dead and living.[/i] She projected this determination through the lantern as if to make a point that she was bound and determined to make her wishes a reality and in order to cleanse the darkness in her thoughts.