[B]Trad Oak – Capture The Fort[/b] [hr] As the last Beowulf fell to Grane's glaive, the glow around Trad vanished. Releasing his grip on Robert he stood and surveyed the area. It looked as though all the Grimm were gone for now…But so was Delta and Eve! The second he realized their teammates absence, Trad heard Roberts cry for them. Within an instant Trad's blade became a rifle ready to open fire, but he was too late. The Beowulves were gone and so was Delta. But that wasn’t what kept Trad from breaking into a full sprint toward where their comrade was taken. No, it was the howl from a distant pack closing in on them. The reality of the situation hit Trad like a brick. Leaving Delta would mean his death, but with one of them already wounded and more Grimm on their way, attempting to save him would lead to all of theirs. “I'm sorry my friend…” he said softly putting his weapons away. But the time for mourning would have to wait. Making a quick dash to where he left the battery, he hoisted it up into his arms then made his way back to the others. “We have to go. If we make a beeline to the fort, we might get there before the Grimm hit us.”