[h3][color=Cadetblue]Keith Murray[/color][/h3] [center] The first thing out of the other guy's mouth was quite expected, considering the note on the door, [color=008800]"So, you got a death wish or something, kid?"[/color] Keith just shrugged at the question with the same mischevious grin like he had before, debating whether or not he wanted to tell the other guy, so why the heck not? [color=cadetblue]"Just curious to see who was in here"[/color] He responded briefly but before he could say anything else, Simon look at the Asian girl through the glass as he commented about her reading the sign. But nope, she came in here and the first thing she threw at them was a paper ball, presumably the sign they had on the door and some attitude along with it. Smirking at the scene between the two, almost laughing when he got up from his seat and pushed her out of the room. Blowing up into a big grin, he covered it with his hands as he tried to hide it while watching Simon sit back in his seat. As the other sat down, Keith caught his eye looking at himself, probably at how strange this would be to a pureblood like him. But nevertheless, he introducing himself to Keith as he did a dramatic hair flip, ruining his hair along the way which he should mention before he turned back to the window asking what was his name. He didn't really look interested knowing his name, but Keith didn't mind he would be leaving in a bit as duty calls, [color=cadetblue]"I am Keith Murray, pleasure to meet you Simon"[/color] He said courteously removing any playfulness he had in his voice as he prepared himself, before getting up to go check the rest of the train to see that everything was in order however, was interrupted by Wayne the champion of the Gryffindor Dueling Club. Looking at the younger student, he gave him a small smile [color=cadetblue]"I look forward to seeing that Wayne, now if you excuse me I-"[/color] But before he could finish, Simon alerted his attention as they were passing the ruins of Old Hogwarts. Frost came running along the windows tinting them dark, with Keith's concern now growing about the rest of the rain as he excused himself quickly before anything else could interrupt him this time. Leaving the two other boys in the room by themselves as he exited the compartment. [hr] Keith looked around the section of the train as thin layer of frost covered the compartment doors, and suspected the windows would be in a similar situation. Several of the prefects came out of their rooms and had already came to Keith, as the Head Boy he was in charge of leading them through messy stuff like this. [color=cadetblue][i]"Obortius Caldoris"[/i][/color] He mumbled as his breath was shown visible in the cold air, raising his wand as he said the incantation before heat began circulating the room, thawing the thin layer of frost on each of the compartment doors and in general making everyone warmer. Telling everyone in a hushed whisper to keep their eye out and if anything happens find him so they can report what they have seen. With a stern nod, the prefects left Keith as he went to each section of the train and repeated the same incantation, watching the warmth gather in each compartment. Finishing covering the whole train in a few minutes, he ended up at the very end of the train where he ushered the last part of the spell [color=cadetblue][i]"Obortius Circueo"[/i][/color] connecting everypart of the train with one singular heat spell flowing through each part equally. He sighed at the work forced upon him as he checked his watch, taking note of the time that has passed he looked around curious now that he was nowhere near his original cart. Nor did he really remember where it was sadly during his little spur of the action, everything should be as much 'under control' it can be with dementors. Outside of shooting a Patronous at them which would only enrage them, would be no good as enciting panic isn't a great idea. He sighed with no particular place to go, wondering if he should just head to Hogwarts already, they should be there not too long now. So best thing he could do until then was to fiddle his thumbs as he leaned on the side of the train, occasionally checking his watch. Keeping an eye out for anything suspicious, switching which part of the train he was so that he can actually preform his duties as the Head Boy and continued monitering the train. [/center]