[hider=Lyra Kal] [u][b]Name[/b][/u]: Lyra Kal [u][b]Age[/b][/u]: 20 [u][b]Gender[/b][/u]: Female [u][b]Race[/b][/u]: Hapan [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u]: It is a commonly known fact that the Hapan are one of the most beautiful species in all the galaxy. Given their history and their tight borders, their gene pool has kept the entirety of the species beautiful. [url=http://pre13.deviantart.net/4d69/th/pre/f/2014/248/1/1/winter_on_the_way_by_selenada-d7y1wsb.jpg]Lyra is no exception to this fact, in fact she's the perfect evidence for it.[/url] Standing at around five foot five inches, Lyra doesn't have the sultry femininity of a Twi'Lek dancer. Instead, hers is a quiet beauty, the kind that makes people turn and listen to her when she speaks, that makes them take in every single graceful motion of her body. It's the sort of beauty that creates an incurable desire in some and a fiery inferiority in others. [u][b]Personality[/b][/u]: Lyra seems to be a very conflicted character at the best of times. She's positive and makes for a perfect politician, especially when it comes to motivating others but her positivity can sometimes be affected by her inbuilt prejudices and her almost fanatical patriotism. This can lead to a lot of hypocritical moments as, while she rants about the tenets of the Republic, she can also let her Hapan upbringing shine through and look down on people in lower positions or her male counterparts. Still, she's loyal to the Republic and anyone who will stand for it. Her job is very important to her and she will go to any length to complete her mission - bringing peace to the Galaxy. Lacking in any real physical threat, it's often said that Lyra's mind is her sharpest weapon. She's very good at thinking ahead and predicting the decisions and thoughts of her enemies. She's as much a strategist as she is an ambassador but Lyra believes that violence is only necessary in dire situations and will only use it when she has to. Apart from that, she's sociable and rather easy to talk to. [u][b]Profession[/b][/u]: Diplomat / Intelligence Agent [u][b]Skills & Abilities[/b][/u]: Lyra is not exactly the greatest in terms of combat. Her blaster skills are passable and she doesn't even have the correct mindset for a fight. Generally, for that reason, she leaves the fighting to her guards or any Jedi dispatches. Her main skill lies in smaller blades like vibro-shivs that allow for a quick kill but even still, she only does it begrudgingly. Lyra's most prominent skill and the reason why she was sent along with the taskforce ties in to why they were sent in the first place - information gathering. Lyra has links in a lot of cities but is also a great negotiator, boasting that she even brought the Hutts to the negotiating table with the Republic once. She's cunning and with her wit alone, she could extract any information she needed from someone given enough time. She isn't above using her beauty to achieve this and will often use her charm to get what she wants. When on more official business, she's a lot more respectful and mindful of the rules but she can play dirty when she needs to. Although not the best in battle, she's a fine strategist and if it wasn't for her pacifist tendencies, she would probably be heavily involved in the New Republic's military. Despite the use of protocol droids, she can also speak quite a number of languages including Huttesse and Mando'a. She's a very big fan of strategic board games and delights in thoroughly trouncing any competition. [u][b]Equipment[/b][/u]: Lyra doesn't carry a lot on her person. Due to the fact that she is technically dealing with enemies that could disrespect peace envoy rules and capture her, she rarely carries anything apart from a vibro-shiv, a blaster and goggles which enhance the lightlevels around her. [u][b]Brief Backstory[/b][/u]: Not a lot is known about Lyra Kal's early life. In fact, the only thing that is known about it is hid by a faithful servant and a protocol droid. What is known is that Lyra arrived on the New Republic's capital, Coruscant at the age of twelve in an unmarked ship of Hapan design. Very little was known about the Hapans and it was quite a surprise when the young yet sharp Kal arrived in the Republic and declared herself an envoy for her people. That excuse quickly fell through when it was discovered that there was a massive price on her head and she didn't carry the opinions of both the Queen Mother and the general Hapan people, despite the royal markings on her ship. The Republic, afraid of making an enemy out of the Haban Consortium, fully intended to send her straight back to where she came from but at the urging of an anonymous senator, Lyra was allowed to stay. To say she flourished in the New Republic was an understatement. The girl was very well educated and due to her grace and poise, she made quite the reputation for herself. As she aged, she became more and more involved in politics until she was appointed with a minor role in a peace-keeping mission to the outer-rims. Her beauty only grew as she aged, along with her sharp wit, and she carelessly involved herself fully in her job, rising easily. Her opinions were sometimes frowned upon but she was good at bringing people over to the Republic's way of thinking and any cases she was awarded usually ended in success. In the background, the Republic had her filter every single drop of information she received to them. There didn't seem to be an end to the intel she could pick up on so when they heard about the gathering of Crime Lords, she was a natural pick for information-gathering. [/hider]