[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Hiyori%20Hayashi&name=akaDora.ttf&size=100&style_color=9e005d[/img][/center] [center][img]http://img15.deviantart.net/72bd/i/2011/291/9/3/taiga_render_by_mtxkhrn-d4d816k.png[/img][/center] [center][color=9e005d][u]Name:[/u][/color] Hiyori Hayashi [color=9e005d][u]Age:[/u][/color]16 [color=9e005d][u]Gender:[/u][/color] Female [color=9e005d][u]Height:[/u][/color] 4’8 [color=9e005d][u]Weight:[/u][/color] 105 lbs [color=9e005d][u]Personality[/u][/color] Hiyori comes off extremely rude and stuck up, often refusing to even speak to people. There’s not a single person Hiyori likes to be around, including herself. Humans are cruel creatures that don’t deserve to take part in life in her eyes. Should anyone even try to be kind, Hiyori’s attitude becomes even more awful and will be more likely to throw one of her terrifying ‘fits’. Whenever she becomes upset, Hiyori will throw the world’s biggest tantrum and practically destroy whatever area she’s in. And because of this, people try to stay clear of Hiyori. She prefers it that way anyway.Hiyori is also very emotionally unstable and has frequent fits of sadness. Sometimes she’ll shower only to cry her eyes out. The only thing that Hiyori focuses on is her studies. Where other children had time to participate in clubs and hang out with friends, Hiyori spent her time studying and it wasn’t long before she became the top of her class. Hiyori’s extremely hard working only when it comes to something she takes interest in otherwise she puts no energy at all toward it. At times, she can be quite stubborn. Although she’ll die before showing anyone this side of her, Hiyori can be quite clumsy and often drops things. [color=9e005d][u]Short Bio[/u][/color] From the moment she was born, Hiyori’s life was destined for misfortunes. Unlike other kids her age, Hiyori never knew the color of her hair or how the grass looked when rain fell for she was born blind. At first, her parents tried their best to make every moment of her life normal. However, taking care of a blind child proved to be difficult and the two began to argue. It wasn’t long before they couldn’t stand in the same room together. Her mother blamed Hiyori for ruining her perfect relationship while her father didn’t want the responsibilities of taking care of her. When she turned 10, they enrolled her into a public school. One look at the blind girl walking around with a cane turned Hiyori into the new laughing stock of the school. The students were cruel and bullied to her to no end.All Hiyori ever wanted was for someone to tell her they liked her, that she was pretty, and she belonged. But no one ever did. It wasn’t long before Hiyori’s hatred toward humankind began. No one had ever showed her any love so she lost any ability to love too. She started to hate herself as well, bullying herself more than anyone. Despite all of the trauma she faced, Hiyori never attempted suicide. Living through the torture was her punishment for existing and Hiyori honestly thought she deserved it. It’s almost comical the way Hiyori’s life ended. Camping on a school field trip, Hiyori wandered off too far in a nearby forest and crashed right into a beehive. By the time the school was notified, Hiyori had already passed away from an allergic reaction to the bee’s venom. A smile was found on her dead lips. [color=9e005d]Other:[/color] -Hiyori has a strange affinity toward rain. She loves the smell and the feeling of it soaking through her clothes. -She also enjoys watching over animals, especially rabbits. -Her favorite color is dark purple [/center] ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/gcoaCCgHNLClq/giphy.gif[/img][/center] [color=9e005d][center]"Why don't you all just leave me the hell alone??"[/center] [/color] ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________