The fae's eyes snap up at the thanks but he is still too upset to respond properly so he simply nods, falling into step behind the other two as they make their way back to the prince's room. The power crackles inside him as he takes to pacing the prince's room as well, but he pauses to look at the exchange between the boy and the prince, a flicker of his natural curiosity coming into play. [i]'So, I am not the only of his underlings that he kisses. . .Though kisses like that I have only seen between those who share their bodies really. Or family. They are not family however, so. . .'[/i] The sight of Peter's back as he goes to lay down sends more fury coursing through him and his thoughts fail him, his feet carrying him back and forth across the room, his footfalls nearly silent despite the hard soled boots. His eyes go to the two every so often and he watches how the prince cares for the boy carefully. With Peter unable to see him he lets his eyes vent a bit of his frustration as they glow silver at the sight of his wounds. The young man's cries are loud to his ears, despite the muffling, and he wants very much to cause the king's dog at least as much pain in return. One does [b]not[/b] harm children! Once the treatment is over Rei stills himself, closing his eyes and steadying his breath. He doesn't want to scare Peter by looking magical and vicious after such a painful experience. He knows how the prince cares for him, and right now Rei feels for the boy as well, though the feeling is faint and not fully understood by the poor creature. He looks to the prince who seems to have trouble speaking and feels very much like an outsider. He doesn't understand the feelings he's seeing, he doesn't know how to sympathize with what is happening, and the exchange is far beyond his depths. He does however understand that whatever it is, it is something shared between the two and he should stay out of it. Someone like him would just be a bother trying to do anything to help the two in this moment. He watches Peter leave, catching his eye for an instant before he leaves, and the small smile on his lips confuses the fae. He does not have time to dwell on it however as the prince calls his attention moments later. He strides over, gently taking the vial and picking up a piece of clean cloth. The bloody cloth on the bedside table draws out more of his anger and as he's alone with the prince now he does not hold back the harsh anger silver glow in his eyes. “I have been called a monster before, however I feel one such as he deserves the title far more than I do. That look of enjoyment on his face as he harmed children. Like a man sitting down to his favorite meal. . .” He growls softly, shifting on to his knees so he can better reach the prince's back and with a sigh he once more says the blessing in his head and hopes that it can do something for the prince. “Yes, that was healing magic. I have never used it before, the art lost to me when I began staining my spirit with blood, however it seems that by fueling it with anger I am able to channel it slightly.” He takes a slow breath, funneling more and more of his anger into the idea of healing the boy, of soothing his unjustly caused pain. He can feel the magic leeching out through his fingers and gently he begins mimicking the man's movements from before when he'd been treating the boy. He can see the faint glow of his magic being left behind like a residue for a few seconds before fading with each swipe and he murmurs softly, “I do not know if it is working. I can see the magic. . .How does it feel Alessandro?” He continues working, carefully making sure to cover each one before sitting back on his heels and corking the bottle