[b]Saten Ruiko/Ba'al/Teal'c, Nova's Palace, New York City, Arcadia-1[/b] Ruiko watched the display at hand with trepidation and awe. The arriving force did inspire some interest, but given what she had seen before it was nothing too spectacular. A better idea of their capabilities would do more, but for now she held her peace. She couldn't interfere in these negotiations, not when it wasn't her place. In the meanwhile, she would watch and listen, confident in Nova's ability to protect her and keep anything bad from happening. Indeed it was needed as Nova generated a shining ball of fire, earning a wince at the heat that washed over her. Fortunately it faded, but it reminded her of the power of the person she was under. Indeed, what could this guy do against someone like Nova? She had her doubts. But she listened on regardless, to hear how things developed. For a moment a shudder ran through Ba'al's symbiote, as if he was being scoured by a Kara Kesh. Yet he held firm, ignoring it as best he could. Even his Jaffa were swayed though, and Ba'al had to wonder just how he was doing it. Some sort of exotic radiation? Subliminal technology? There were all sorts of options, and it was obvious that he would need to look into it to prevent subversion. "I prefer to think of it less as preparing for war, and more as setting up a forward base of operations," Ba'al replied calmly, not letting himself be visibly intimidated. A Goa'uld had to have a good poker face. "It would be the height of folly to leave the transition point to another universe undefended, especially when you don't know who you might encounter." He listened calmly as Nova explained what it was he wanted to talk about, with the show involved. And Ba'al was impressed, to be sure. If nothing the spectacle was impressive, to not comment on the actual demonstration itself. "I'm impressed," he noted aloud. "Your power generation must be quite impressive to create a device such as that." Of course, he didn't entirely believe it himself. This was all very possible in the usage of hologram technology and the like, so for all he knew it was merely a trick. Still, he did give the deal the consideration that it deserved. He was more willing to accommodate than the other Goa'uld would ave been, more open to the idea of temporary deals. Nonetheless, he knew it would fail eventually, and this could be giving up a significant advantage to his own side. On the other hand, there was no denying that this technology would be a boon, if this God-Emperor was being genuine. At last, he made yup his mind. "I suppose I would be willing to agree to such a trade," Ba'al decided. He would need to check later, to see how it compared to the materials related technology that he had gained from Atlantis. [hr] [b]Ahsoka Tano, Eastgate City, Arcadia-2[/b] As things went on, Ahsoka returned to her seat. There wasn't anything she could do about it, and she knew better than to interfere in it when it was apparently personal. So she returned to her seat, only for them to be joined in turn. "Hello," she said to Simon, before addressing the other new arrival, who mentioned being in the company of another giant monster. "As someone I knew once said 'Size matters not'," she replied, unperturbed by the brag. For now she went to her food, enjoying the local cuisine as some sort of 'breakfast casserole'. It didn't taste that bad, and for the moment she enjoyed it. But such enjoyment passed as Bambi mentioned the other Arcadia, though Ahsoka kept a hold on what surprise she might have. "What makes you think we need answers?"