[hider=A character that took fo-f*ckin ever][b]Name:[/b] Julis Torranm / Darth Ianthinus [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Necropolitan [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Fackin huge image] [IMG]http://s22.postimg.org/6cftfdgj5/sample_a3494dd29a74f902e36074d2ce1771bc.jpg[/IMG] Julis stands at 1.74 meters. She usually wears the clothes seen in her appearance image while she is walking around as a civilian. She sports a white dress shirt with a tie, a white and red capelet, a black tie, a white skirt, pantyhose and white and black boots. She also wears a white and black cap. She also keeps her pale blonde hair in a pair of twintails. When she does work as a Dark Jedi, she changes her attire to one rather similar to the one she almost always uses though black and with a full length cape. She also abandons her cap for a Sith mask granted to her by her master in the Dark Side of the Force. While in her Dark Jedi attire she also keeps her hair straight.[/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] It is surprising to meet Julis and see that she is not your average Sith Lord/Dark Jedi. Unlike other Dark Jedis that just ooze evil and their murderous intentions, Julis can actually mask those feelings of hatred and appear to be a perfectly normal woman most of the time. Most times, she can be described as a gentle woman with a positive predisposition towards everything. Her job as a teacher has made her family oriented and good with kids too, not to mention that it is the perfect cover for her actions as a Dark Jedi. It is hard to picture a woman such as her being a relentless killing machine or such like many other Sith lords, and in truth, she is. What first made her approach the Dark side of the force has made her more aware of just how hypocritical society can be. Her hatred for the current society just grows more with each passing day. They claim to love peace, but can do nothing better than to barr themselves into their houses and hope that the bad guys won't come by their doorstep. Such is her philosophy and true, dark thoughts below that cheery exterior she keeps at all times. In battle, her usual cheery and kind predisposition is changed by a stone cold glare, nerves of steel and the usual ruthless mindset of every other Dark Jedi and Sith Lord. Though she's killed, and a lot, Julis always remembers to pay the proper respects to the dead, as it is implied in her culture that, if not shown enough respect, the dead will rise from their tombs. The Dark side of the Force is slowly eating at her, and she knows it. What's worse is that Julis really doesn't seem to mind lately... What's even more ironic is that Julis first sought the Dark side of the Force as a way to bring complete balance to the Force, to stop evil from taking over ever again and now, evil is taking her over, and she likes that feeling. Lately, her thoughts have also been filled with hatred. She feels that she needs to stop going to the school, or otherwise she'll end up murdering the first kid that manages to set her off. Perhaps it is the dark side of the Force, perhaps it is society itself, Julis certainly does not know, but one single thought has been dwelling in her head for quite some time now; perhaps changing society by force is not such a bad idea after all. [b]Profession:[/b] Languages teacher/Dark Jedi [b]Skills:[/b] An skilled Form V: Shien user. Due to its highly defensive approach, Julis makes use of her Force abilities to take an advantage over the battlefield and true to her lightsaber combat form, dominate the battlefield all by herself. She usually handles her lightsaber with a reversed grip too. She is knowledgeable in several languages thanks to her job as a teacher, and she is even able to communicate with Wookies and other unknown species due to all the time she's spent studying in alien planets. [b]Abilities:[/b] Though not the most skilled Force user out there, Julis is indeed a talented Force user, because she uses it most of the time in combination to her lightsaber combat form because it is mostly to be used in defense against blasters instead of one-on-one battles. She is capable of using Force push, pull, throw, lightning, persuasion, leap, choke and many others. She continues to research the Force in order to get an even more powerful and dominant aspect of it. As a bonus, she is great at housework, since she lives alone. [b]Equipment:[/b] Julis owns a purple lightsaber with a long and rather simple handle. It is painted in silver with several, rectangular black pieces sprouting from the end of the grip to better fit into her hand. She uses a rather simple Sith mask that also works as a breather and has an integrated commlink. [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] There is no big tragedy here, no big family drama here either. After all, Julis was an orphan. A really Force sensitive orphan, and she was lucky enough to have a Jedi, Tar'Ishtal, visiting Necropolis when she was 18. Sensing her great talent for handling the force, and with no one to stop him from taking the girl, Tar took the girl offworld to train with him and become a Jedi herself. Her training was harsh on her, and that's not mentioning the fact that Tar also had to teach her about everything else that they would've taught her in any respectable school, just to make sure the girl was not a dimwit when she grew up. At age 23, the girl was already a talented possible Jedi, and Tar had already presented the girl in the temple of Jedis as his apprentice. She also showed talent when it came to learning and speaking other languages. Around that time was when she found some scrolls that contained lessons of the Dark side of the Force. When she asked her master about them, his answer was merely silence, but Julis wasn't going to sit around with that. She started experimenting with the dark secrets the scrolls held. She liked the power in them. It was tempting, it was strong, and more importantly, it was just what she thought she needed. Balance in the force had always been feeble. Anakin Skywalker proved that any Jedi, virtous as they were, could succumb to the dark side of the force, but Julis would not. She would succeed where Anakin failed. She would prove that the two sides of the Force could be controlled and balanced in just one being... At this point, she started getting delusions of grandeur. When she went to Tar with her ground shaking idea, she was sure that the man would be behind her without a doubt. That all of his years of experience would allow him to see that Julis was the woman for the job. Tar told her she was crazy, and she probably is, but no crazy person likes being told that they are crazy. It was then when she decided to dedicate herself to the dark side of the Force. To become a Dark Jedi and her first task as a Dark Jedi? To kill her own master. If she was able to kill Tar, she would prove that she was right. Tar knew in the moment Julis stabbed him through his chest that he should have taken better care of her. Having not told her about the Dark side in a foolish attempt to protect her was a mistake. He should have warned her. Perhaps then she wouldn't have been so easily seduced. When Julis pulled her lightsaber out of his chest and then cut his head with it, he knew it was already too late, as the dark Side had already taken a hold of her. After severing her master's head, she took on the name of Darth Ianthinus and turned towards the Children of The Emperor. There must be someone in there with better understanding of the dark side, and even if there wasn't, she could still just search for something in the vast libraries she assumed they would have. Not to mention that they possibly hold the power she needs to see her ambitions come true. The Children Of The Emperor, the dangerous society that emerged from the ashes of the previous Empire. At present, they are a danger to the status quo and galactic safety, but they could become so much more, and Julis certainly wants to be a part of that. A part of what she believes is the engine that will start the change of the whole galaxy. However, and as she fled towards the Children of The Emperor, the new grand Temple of the Jedi sent another Jedi Knight after her, trying to track her down and make her answer for her crimes. Perhaps and try and make her see reason. At some point, she was able to lose her pursuer and was able to settle down in a garden world where she took up a job as a teacher, so as to not to lose herself in her path of becoming the perfect balance between the Dark and Light sides of the force, she also decided to become a school teacher. Perhaps sharing some time with kids would help alliviate the burden in her heart. Not that any Sith lord ever massacred several kids or anything. [/hider] ------------- I am finally done *collapses* If there's anything wrong, I'll return and edit her once I wake up from the hybernation I'll be going into shortly.