Hi! I'm hoping to do an RP where I play a woman who has been using magic to rob rich families in a certain city. Though stealing is her goal, she is unafraid to kill those who get in her way, and has done so several times, earning her quite a lot of notoriety. A high profile detective (who, I would think, also uses magic) is out to stop her, and a chase ensues. This could become romantic or not. I am quite open with regards to time period. I know this is all quite vague, but please PM me if you're interested - I'd love to determine the details together! Rules: 1. You and your character must be 18+ years old. 2. I'm looking for someone who can post at least 3 times a week; close to once a day would be ideal. 3. We will RP either via a topic or through PM. 4. I only intend to run 1 or 2 of these at a time, so contact me via PM asap if interested!