In any attempt to avoid confusion, it was Zachary’s perception that as Zande evaded certain injury by moving to the right he had done well to evade the attack all together. While tastefully trying to avoid certain misery and stigmata, he could not at this juncture dare to make a cunning gesture that would accurately reflect his skill. His ignorance of the particular battle style had prevailed well beyond what was previously anticipated. Zande’s maneuverability had provided him with an evasion of the knight’s slashing attack. However, at this point the knight was fully aware of his miscalculation and could appreciate that perhaps this round he had been bested. His only advantage at this point would be to distance himself from the opponent. As his own sword came full swing missing the opponent by a good margin, Zachary tumbled to the ground while before landing had performed a one-hundred and eighty degree turn to face his opponent once again with the intention of denying him a free attack of opportunity. He readied himself once again. He stood armored tarnished by mud that dripped from every crafted line. He held his shield beside him ready to defend yet not dependent on the manner of which he was attacked. Zachary held his sword at the opposite side it too ready but for either a defensive or offensive action. This time he was try to stave off ignorance to this current style where his previous experiences had at this point left something to be desired.