Sorry for double post, but here's my second character awaiting approval. [hider=Nia Elenye][b]Name:[/b] Nyérë “Nia” Elenye. Formerly Kalasse Elenye. [b]Race:[/b] Fairy [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 40 [b]Birthday:[/b] 23 Crimsia 260 DM [b]Birthplace:[/b] Ilumire [b]Resides in:[/b] Ebonfort [b]Occupation:[/b]Is owned as a slave, her primary job is a mercenary assassin. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img][/img] Standing at 4.95 inches and weighing about 3.5 ounces, Nia is about average size for a female fairy. She’s quite muscular, for a fairy girl, anyway. Her dark brown hair is cut short in a very unflattering style. Dark blue eyes peer out from under often-furrowed brows; it seems that Nia’s resting face is a judgmental frown. Her wings are sheer and a very dark blue, with a black solid stripe at the outside edge. Her wings are rather torn and ragged, though they still work fine. Her master outfits her in tight, formfitting garments, to ensure that she looks good even—no, especially—when doing immoral deeds for him. She also goes around barefoot after an unfortunate experience where she lost her shoe while on a job and it almost got her identity revealed. Also of note is the fact that Nia glows rather brightly in a dark room, mostly the base of her wings and a spot over her heart. This is due to the fact that her mother had an addiction to phosphorescent mushrooms during the pregnancy. [b]Personality:[/b]In a word, Nia can be described as “Arrogant.” She’s quite confident in her skills and maintains her superiority over her master’s other slaves, which is hard when all the other slaves are human-sized. She doesn’t have much of a sense of morals; she really can’t, not with the bloody work she’s been doing for the last thirty-three years. She’s quite emotionless, having long-ago shut down her emotional response, lest her mental stability go over the edge entirely. [b]History:[/b] [hider=I got carried away… again.] Nia, formerly known as Kalasse, was an only child, as far as she knew. Her parents were not the most caring in the world; it seemed like all they really cared about was their drug habits. Her name, “Brightness”, was rather a joke; she wasn’t the brightness in anyone’s lives, more the forgotten shadow. Nia was pretty much raised by the older girls who lived in the same tree. This way of life went on until Nia was almost seven years old. Almost an adult. Then her parents decided they were going to leave behind everything they knew in a quest for a “less sophisticated” life. Also, entirely not because the people of Ilumire were starting to realize that the Elenyes were terribly addicted to drugs. The family had heard of a place called Ebonfort. Where laws were rather less strict than in Ilumire. They traveled there, intending to go to the capital, only to be denied admittance. After all, they were by this point broke and disheveled and exhausted. When the family tried to leave, the Knight on guard duty stopped them, saying that noncitizens were often executed on the spot, and that it would be a toll to make sure he forgot about their existence. The family could not pay a toll; they had no money and little food. So the knight took Kalasse as payment instead. And her parents let her go and didn’t even seem too bothered by the loss. Kalasse was promptly taken to the slave markets, where she was bought by a wealthy young tavernkeeper, who’d just inherited the business from his father. Something about her sharp, alert eye and graceful movements had piqued his interest. She’d already been pretty decent with a dagger, having learned from the boys of Ilumire when she’d not had anything better to do. Between this and her small size, and her ability of silent flight, her master had a good role for her. She was to be his assassin. Killing those who opposed him, without bringing the Ebon Knights down on her head. On the side, she would do whatever her master wanted her to do to bring money in. It was on her seventh birthday that she had her first assignment. She pulled it off, in the moment, without a hitch, but was so horrified by what she did that she spent hours crying at home, the man’s blood still on her. When she realized what day it was, the day that should have been her Naming, had she remained in Ilumire, she gave herself the name Nyérë. “Sorrow”. And she tried to accept the task that life had given her. Over the course of the years she began to enjoy her work, starting to take pleasure from the suffering and sadness that she caused. Not that anyone was able to point it to her, of course. Her targets were always people who were ill in-favor, and the assassinations were done cleanly enough (often with poisoned daggers; with the poisons she used, a tiny nick on the arm or leg was enough to do a man in within a few hours) that no one ever really bothered searching. Mind-altering drugs were lovely things; often the poisoned individuals would not actually die of the poisoning, but of walking off the ramparts or drowning themselves in fountains, as they were prone to do. The tavern keeper expected all of his slaves (who were all female) to be able (and willing) to serve all patrons in whatever ways they desired. Despite her size Nia was not exempt from this expectation; though obviously there were some acts that would be pretty much impossible, she was expected to be able to satisfy any guest that wanted her services. This was another skill that she learned to enjoy. It has been almost thirty-four years since she was enslaved. Secretly, Nia is counting down the days to when the innkeeper dies of old age, in the hopes that maybe then she’ll be free. And then? Well, then she’ll likely try to find her parents. And pay them back for what they did to her.[/hider] [b]Skills:[/b] Dagger: 30 Stealth: 30 Poison: 15 Seduction: 10 Subterfuge: 15 Aerobatics: 0 (+30) [b]Possessions:[/b] (All possessions were furnished by her owner) 1 | Peasant clothing | 4 sp (1 sp x 4 for size modifier) 1 | Assassin’s Garb | 4 gp (1 gp x 4 for size modifier) 2 | Dagger | 16 gp (2 x (2 gp x 4 for size modifier) 1 | Blanket | 2 gp | (5 sp x 4 for size modifier) 1 | Poison vial | 50 gp (Is a human-sized vial that her master keeps safe.) [b]Ledger:[/b] 100 gp | Starting bonus | 100 gp, 0 sp, 0 cp. Slave: No wages, but no living expenses; earns a tiny portion of her blood money/tips that she keeps squirreled away so that one day she can buy her freedom. [b]Story List:[/b] N/A[/hider]