[center][sub]art by [url=http://jenzee.deviantart.com/art/Ice-Lily-149283727]Jen Zee[/url][/sub] [img]http://i.imgur.com/lXGBbOU.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/B0iiEuC.jpg[/img][/center] [indent][color=gray]Only the guilty, the lonely and the indebted volunteer to build that impossible wall. Periphery City is as prosperous as they come -- all clean streets and bright color and the finest technology this side of the Seventh River -- but its weakness is its terrible fear of the Grit. The first wind the queen got that the Grit have figured out how to [i]fly[/i], she ordered that wall to be built to the sky. Nothing unsavory would ever cross the wall, she said. Periphery was a haven of safety and peace, she said. That was before the sky was ripped in two.[/color] [/indent] [h3]CONCEPT[/h3][hr]Your character stands atop the wall that separates Periphery City from the wilds outside -- building it higher, or guarding it, or visiting for the view -- you're all that'll be left of that proud, hopeful people. Something terrible is about to happen to that city far, far below, and there's nothing you can do to stop it. But maybe there's something you can do to fix it, if you wanted to. It'll take a bit of soul-searching and a lot of keeping an open mind, but maybe -- with your help -- Periphery will shine again. [h3]GAMEPLAY[/h3][hr]This is essentially a fantasy roleplay. Technology in Periphery can reach sci-fi levels of floating buses and laser pistols, while the world outside the wall relies on magic and wild nature for survival. This is your classic tech-vs-nature conflict -- at least on the surface. It's up to your character to decide whether to restore the city of Periphery to the haven it once was; to side with the Grit and return the city to the wilds; to take advantage of disaster for your character's own gain; or to broker peace between the city folk and the Grit and bring down the wall for good. There will always be a driving force to continue to act, but [b]how[/b] you act shapes where the story will end up. [h3]CHARACTER[/h3][hr]Your character will begin atop the wall-to-the-sky -- the impossibly high wall that is forever being built higher and higher around the city of Periphery. Builders on the wall tend to be debtors or ex-prisoners -- people who have no other choice but to spend years of their lives building a seemingly pointless wall for minimal pay. They could also be guards, or foremen, or simply curious citizens that wanted a tour of the top of the wall -- why your character is there is up to you. [indent][b]NAME:[/b] [color=gray][i]what your character is called[/i][/color] [b]ABSTRACT:[/b] [color=gray][i]sum up who your character is[/i][/color] [b]DETAIL:[/b] [color=gray][i]tell us everything, or keep a few secrets[/i][/color] [b]MAGICAL INVENTORY:[/b] [color=gray][i]tell us how many sigils your character can access or remember without the help of electronics -- none to three is a good number -- and a description of any enchanted item, if they've got one. There's more to be found as the story goes, so don't sweat it.[/i][/color][/indent] [h3]DEFINITIONS[/h3][hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/oHcMsxL.jpg[/img][h3]The Grit[/h3][/center]Grit are people who live in the wilds outside the wall. They're known to be misshapen and even inhuman, depending on who you talk to. They're said to be tricksters and monsters, wielding infernal powers drawn from their worship of horrible gods. The only good Grit is a dead Grit, as the saying goes. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/licsoPD.jpg[/img][h3]Sigil Magic[/h3][/center]Sigils are geometric drawings used to cast quick and temporary spells. The basic ones are pretty common -- you can find books and pamphlets full of 'em at any corner magic shop -- but the dangerous ones are famously kept under lock and key in the queen's palace. Anybody with a decent imagination and some capacity for emotion can cast a minor sigil spell. Just draw the sigil (if you're not using one ready to go, like a book page or an engraving), touch the drawing, and think of something that makes your heart clench -- something happy, or sad, or determined, or powerfully hopeful. That clench in your heart is the feeling of a dream being born. Sigil magic runs on dream power: that's why robots can't use magic at all, and that's why children are devastatingly good at it. The majority of city folk consider sigil magic to be archaic and too much effort for results that can be achieved far more consistently with technology. Gone are the days when sigils were used to freeze water and make fire, after all. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/lMfn3iz.jpg[/img][h3]Rune Magic[/h3][/center]Runes are used to imbue or enchant objects with permanent and powerful properties. Enchanted stuff is extremely rare for one important reason: in order to enchant an object, the master mage has to splinter off a piece of his own soul and -- using the runes -- imbue an object with it. One mage can only perform very few enchantments in his lifetime before his soul will be too unstable to continue a normal life. Things that have been enchanted by rune magic are very special, and are treated with the respect deserving of a broken soul. [b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/89935-moonfiend/ooc]OOC thread is here[/url] :)[/b]