[hider=Solgun Ronso][center][u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Solgun Ronso, "Born-of-Snow" [u][b]Race:[/b][/u] Ronso [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [hider=Pretend he has a horn] [img]http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r777/patrick_harkin/ajani__mentor_of_heroes_by_aaronmiller-d7qx7zk_zpsqbp117gh.jpg[/img] [/hider] Solgun is a tower, standing near nine feet tall and heavily built. Unlike most Ronso, who have blue fur and white manes, Solgun's fur is sheer white and his eyes are a clear, light blue. Albinism is unusual among the Ronso. Due to his thick, warm fur, Solgun dresses comparatively lightly, with a few pieces of gold-coloured armour on his shoulders and forearms. [u][b]Faction:[/b][/u] Though the Ronso are generally strongly associated with the Yevonists, Solgun is more independent and considers himself a Shard Hunter first and foremost. [u][b]Job:[/b][/u] Shard Hunter/Traveller - Solgun wanders Spira and explores the many ancient ruins and destroyed cities that dot its coastlines, mountains and jungles. He makes his money by identifying and retrieving historical relics from these places, mostly selling to Yevonists though he has made sales of salvaged ancient machina to Al Bhed. [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Solgun is a driven and dedicated individual who has travelled far from his home in pursuit of a quest he hasn't told many of. He's used to travelling alone and so he finds it hard to ask others for help. Paradoxically, he doesn't exactly hold things sacred despite having been raised in a strongly Yevonite environment and traversing temples for much of his career. He's coming to believe in something - he's not entirely sure what yet - thanks to his contact with the crystals and the spirits that have begun communicating with him through them. Someone who interacts with Solgun would probably find him to be a little more talkative than most Ronso, which still makes him a stern and quiet individual, but his Spiran language is quite good and he has some Al Bhed - enough to make trades with the Al Bhed who buy his salvaged machina. He's aware that his size and unusual colouration is intimidating and is good at using that to his advantage - no-one wants to make four hundred pounds of sabretooth angry - but he doesn't particularly enjoy violence or resorting to it. Those rare people who end up getting to know Solgun would probably be surprised to learn how intelligent, scholarly and well-read someone like him is. He spends a lot of time researching new places to plunder and valuable secrets that they might hold, and more importantly he needs to be able to spot the valuable things from the trash. And given what he finds in the ruins, he can surprise scholars with obscure tidbits of lost lore, the sort of lore you only get by going to lost places and searching it out - not sitting in a library reading approved textbooks. [u][b]Weapon of Choice:[/b][/u] Solgun most often dual-wields melee weapons, using a round-headed axe (which doubles as a climbing instrument) and a one-handed sword that would take a human two hands to heft. These can join at the hilts to become a two-headed halberd-like weapon in combat. [u][b]Special Abilities:[/b][/u] Solgun is extremely powerful physically, both in terms of strength and agility. He is most at home in mountainous environments where his powerful limbs can propel him up steep slopes, his sharp claws can grip sheer cliff faces and his tail allows him to balance on narrow surfaces. [u]Lancet[/u] - Solgun's only overtly magical ability, this allows him to sap health and mana from enemies, and borrow their powers to use in Ronso Rage. [u]Ronso Rage[/u] - Though typically a beserker fury that elevates his already-superhuman strength and might to ludicrous extremes, the unique potency of a Ronso using Lancet allows Solgun to mimic the attacks of fiends, machina and even other people he has fought in the past (though not necessarily as effective as they would have). [u][b]Character Flaws:[/b][/u] [u]Extremely Distinctive[/u] - Good luck trying to get Solgun to blend into a crowd. Ronso are rare enough off the slopes of Gagazet, let alone an albino Ronso. [u]Low Magic[/u] - Despite is connection to the Gagazet shard, he has essentially no talent for, or defence against, magical attacks beyond trying to physically dodge. [u][b]Inventory:[/b][/u] A few Ronso potions The Gagazet Shard Maps of Spira Yevonite scrolls Machina scrap [u][b]Bio:[/b][/u] Solgun's birth was received with mixed feelings by the Ronso of Mount Gagazet; some interpreted the child's snow-white fur as a sign of purity, a blessing on the tribe, while others saw it as a warning that the snows were going to grow fiercer. Either way, the cub was marked by some higher power, that was agreed by all sides. Despite the decline of the Yevonite faith elsewhere in Spira, the faith held strong on the slopes of Gagazet and Solgun was raised in an extremely religious manner. He was taken on many pilgrimages to sites on the mountain where summoners fell in their quest to Zanarkand and the Final Aeon, though many such sites - and even ancient temples - lay on higher, more dangerous slopes that even the Ronso did not go. Gripped with a desire to explore, Solgun began sneaking away from the tribe's village and climbing the mountain, battling the fiends that still stalked the slopes and seeking out the temples. It was a dangerous venture, but exciting, and soon won him a following among the other young Ronso. Soon he was not climbing alone but with friends, who helped him reach new heights. Things were looking up until their latest expedition were trapped in a ruined temple by a blizzard of almost unnatural intensity and duration. With nowhere to go but inwards, they delved into the temple proper, finding it running deeper into the temple than they could have imagined. As they pored over rotten parchment and dusty iconography, they also battled with fiends of strange shape and fearsome strength, even worse than those on the mountain slopes. Eventually, only Solgun was left when their party fought their way to the centre of the temple - and the broken fayth that lay there. Whatever it had once summoned must have been long-forgotten to almost all Yevonite scholars, Solgun realised, and started collecting shards of the Fayth to take back as proof that something incredibly valuable was up on the mountain. Almost as soon as he collected the shards, the blizzard ended and he left down the mountain slope, the temple now his friend's tomb. But halfway down the mountain the blizzard struck again, of such chill and ferocity that even his thick fur offered little protection. All that kept him going was the image of a Ronso in priestly robes calling him, telling him to "seek the summoner". Somehow he found the strength to complete the trek back down the mountain. For getting the other young Ronso killed, he was cast out from the Ronso tribe and it was believed that his white fur was somehow connected to the blizzard that "stole the tribe's young from them". Solgun took solace in the new mission he was given, to seek the summoner. Unsure which summoner that meant, he began travelling from temple to temple, picking through any reference to summoners and where a new one might emerge. Somewhere along the way, he found he had almost accidentally become a treasure hunter, financing his next expedition with the proceeds of what he plundered in the last one. The shards of the Gagazet Fayth - except the one that talked to him - paid his way for a long time. [u][b]Other:[/b][/u] Due to his contact with the Gagazet Shard, Solgun is able to see pyreflies and unsent spirits more clearly than he normally would. Only one so far has been able to communicate with him, an ancient Ronso, the one which told him to "seek the summoner".[/center][/hider]