[@metagros] [@kishin asura][@metagros] [@thewizardguy][@ShadowVentus] [@tyki] [@Wraithblade6] ...So...I noticed people leaving, and complaining about power levels, and that's understandable.....Although, there are worlds with power level caps that are low enough such things can't happen...But...I also see people unhappy with the nids, and the chaos.....and I've been thinking of how to tactly fix that.... But..... Someone......not anyone in this rp...... [color=red] Spoiled the new StarWars movie for me.... [/color] Now, Normally I don't do overly extreme things....but...but..... I AM ABSOLUTELY LIVID. ANYONE WHO'S BEEN HERE FOR A WHILE KNOWS JUST HOW MUCH I LOVE STARWARS...and they can only GUESS AT MY LEVEL OF PISSED OFF RIGHT NOW....So, I'll take care of the nid, and the chaos for the moment......And then everyone can rp happily for a while, without having to worry about power levels being to high, or about nids...because if I see anyone killing everyone else's fun with such things...I...will..fucking...lose...my...shit.....