Alessandro smiled faintly despite the pain, "Things are only lost until you find them again." He uttered lightly, "I want to hurt the steward too, he only hurt Peter because he knew it would hurt me too." There was an anger usually absent from his voice that tinged the edges. "He's like a little brother to me and just because he's common born and his way of earning money before being my squire was...frowned upon they treat him like dirt. Any other boy would be a knight-in-training by now but they keep putting him off." Alessandro sighed and closed his eyes. "If I ever become king things will be so much different." He mumbled to himself. The fae shifted close and the Prince waited, the tincture stung but then there was something else. It was cool but not cold, it felt, refreshing and while his back still stung the pain was much less than before. Had he not felt it earlier in the hall he wouldn't have known what it was, perhaps deciding it was nothing more than the tincture. Alessandro remained silent until the fae spoke up, it was the first time that Alessandro heard Rei doubt himself. "It feels good Rei, it doesn't hurt as much anymore. Though, don't wear yourself out on my account, I've dealt with this before." With Rei's sharp eyes it wouldn't be hard to see the faint silver scars, almost invisible to the human eye, that littered his back. Nothing that would be permanent or ruin his chance of marrying, he sighed quietly into the pillow and allowed his eyes to close and fell quiet again for some moments. Something though seemed to be bugging Rei and Alessandro, allowing himself to relax a little closed his eyes, "Is there something on your mind Rei?"