Smiley spent most of his time during the orientation spinning his black revolver around in his hand. Everything was quite entertaining for him so far. After the helicopter flight was over he stuck pretty close to the group. Not saying anything and keeping watch while also gathering as much information on his group as well. The arrival of the old man had thrown him off his thought process however. [color=4169E1][i]He's pretty suspicious. How could an old man have lasted this long? And why is he so calm to come up to us?[/i][/color] The woman with the knife by the captain wearing the smirk seemed to be suspicious of him as well. The most alarming thing is if the man starts a situation there will probably be invalids crawling all over the place from the noise. Smiley kept himself ready to pull his rifle from his back. After all, it was silenced. If he took the shot and got him first there probably wouldn't be a problem. The girl with the prostheses distracted him for a moment with her suggestion. He looked over to the building she pointed out and compared it with others in the area. It seemed to be the best one to him as well. But nobody can be certain of the dangers within. [color=4169E1]"Yeah, that sounds good to me."[/color] He responded in agreement.