While Kain, technically speaking, knew how to move silently, he did not. He rarely did, even on missions. His job was to draw attention, to present the enemy with a threat. A mountain of a man like him was very good at that. You took one look into a room with Kin in it, and he would the the most obvius target. If nothing else becouse others could likely hide from sight by standing behind him. So it was no wonder that when the man moved towards the briefing room, obscenely large sword resting against his shoulder with ease, that peoples heads turned. Cains cigarette, ever burning yet for some reason never giving him the black tarred lounge of other chainsmokers, hang limply between his lis lips, its ember glowing cherry red. His eyes were set on the door the the council room. Once there, he noticed Hal first. He didn't trust Henry. If you were to ask him why, he would not be able to answer. IT was innate, like two opposites in a way. Hal was noticeably intelligent, keen eyed and yet he slummy and foul of hygiene. Like a stereotypical intellectual who delved to deep into his papers and forgot the outside world as a result. The kind of people Kain, having grown up on the street where dirt and bad hygiene was a luxury ill afforded a orphan. To him, to this day, showers were a sanctuary and cleanliness a virtue. He was the opposite if Hal if as Kain gave the impression of a giant, slow and big. But unlike Hal, he was someone who lives a very spartan existence, with a very cleaned up and disciplined presentation. And as such, Hals very existence was a blemish on a otherwise allright organization. It didn't help that Kain didn't trust anyone further then a man considerable smaller then him, could toss said person. He had stopped saying he didn't trust a man further then he could toss them. As it turns out Kain can toss anyone pretty damn far. The others were not quite as offensive to his senses. The one who offered to cook Henry food was of course, ok in Kains book. This was quite typical of him however, as Kain would befriend anyone who could feed him quality food. And Matty was one of the best chefs he met so far. His attention was soon preoccupied by the briefing however, and he spared the others a few brief glances. They were all FIRST CLASS, meaning that this was serious. He briefly wondered exactly what would qualify such a sudden and immidete call of action. As he pondered this however, the briefing began. SeeR Incursions. He had fought on the front lines before SOLDIER picked him up. He knew of the enemy in intimate detail. There was certeinly no love lost there. He really wish they had relocated themselves somewhere warmer and less harsh then the Tundra though. Kain was no fan of snow. No fan at all. And then they were going into territory without any clue as to enemy numbers, existence of possible Pro-SeeR insurgents ontop of that? He scowled, and the scowl grew deeper as the briefing continued. They had a traitor. A deserter. The scowl turned into snarl. ”God-fucking-dammit” He muttered under his breath. Only for their to be a argument breaking out between their commanders and the Commander in Chief, President Rayne himself. He had not caught the start of it, but as he listened it was clear that Rayne was all about the scorch earth tactic. Kill all SeeR. No leniency. Not even in the face of valuable objectives and information? Was the President that drunk with bloodlust? As the president nailed them all with a stare that might as well have been looking down the iron sight of a heavy machine gun, Kain felt a sudden lack of loyalty towards the asshole in the suit. Fucking politicians. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ As they left. Anger boiled within Kain. Not towards SeeR; but the president and his ignorance. He knew this rage for what is was: reckless and a invite to bad, bad things. He somehow imagined tossing the President trough a table like he had his commanding officer back on the frontlines, would end a lot worse then military prison. So he bit back on the simmering, burning fire within and went to pack his things. He didn't own a whole lot, his room was just a pair of walls, a bunch of free weights, a bed and a television set. He packed down the extra rations he had been hoarding for a rainy day as well as a lighter that had never seen use. Grabbing his combat gear, he readied himself mentally for what was to come. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Kain realized he was one of the last to arrive. He took solace in the fact he could care less about this. Punctuality was never his strong suit, and even then he was well within the arrival schadule so no harm done. Instead he slid up as stealthily as a 6'4, mountain of a man, could. He quietly observed the others before he let himself be known formally, by speaking in his deep, rumbling voice. ”I really wish they would have waited until after breakfast” He grumbled. ”And if you give me a nickname, I give you a caved in skull... Funny guy.” He shot at Hal before he spoke to any affect about Kains size, apparent eating habits or another perimiters that would let the ”hobo-in-SOLDIER-disguise” identify and classify Kain as something appropriately funny.