Alright! I posted up my character sheet describing my character more in depth. I hope it's okay. I'm a bit rusty at writing out disposition since I often just start writing for a character and seeing where things go. Also, I want to talk to you about the concept of a spirit guardian. Given that the tribe is nomadic and Native-American-esque to me, it'd be fun for tribespeople to be assigned a spirit guardian. However, there aren't any animals - traditional animals - in HZD. Have you any thoughts to a substitute? I was thinking we could have the spirits be from five main realms so to speak: Earth, Fire, Water, Air, Celestial. We'd think of a deity for each. Made up and just assign one as as spirit guardian. Does this sound like something you'd want to incorporate? It'd be unique to our tribe. Other tribes may have something similar, but not the same.