[Center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Emily%20Geralds&name=SomeWeatz_with_symbols.ttf&size=100&style_color=E01D5E[/img] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5zbfypbX01ror6v2.gif[/img][/Center] Monday, 24th August, 2015 [Color=Gray] It seemed like another year started too soon. The summer passed rather quickly for Emily and her friends who met at the Peregrine like each year. The 5 days, Emily spent on the Peregrine, for her were fun as always. She had a chance to hung out with her friends/catch up with those who she hasn't seen over the holidays....of course, half the journey was spent bickering and snipping back at Dorado, who like always bugged her every year....this year was no different. He may be charming, handsome and talented...but boy, did he get on her nerves, well some of the time. The two did exchange one or two pleasant conversations...at least before his arrogance and snarky remarks, made her snap. Despite his reputation, of being the biggest flirt in the Academy...there was just something, that made Emily drawn to him. But being as Stubborn as she was; there was no way she'd admit that out loud. No one knew of her secret crush. When everyone arrived at Salem's Institute; Emily felt like she was home once again. The familiar corridors, and smells...her favorite place being the Tituba Den and Parlor Room. Emily had a few fond memories, of her and Cass tapping different tunes on the windows; in order to sway the Sirens. The two always in fits of giggles and smiles, every time a siren knocked on the windows, in approval. Of course, poor Cass was late...like every year. Emily felt sorry for her; but she made her feel better for the rest of the journey on the Peregrine, and during the welcome feast. At the end of the night; Emily was stuffed from the delicious dinner. Even though, nothing had changed and things were still the same old...same old, like they had been for the past 6 years. She was looking forward to a new school year. That Monday morning, Emily woke up with a smile on her face. Glancing around the dormitory; she saw that Cassandre was up already and must have gone to the Great hall for breakfast. Her Dog Piper; was laying on her stomach still...stretching her little legs, one of her paws lightly shoved Emily in the jaw. Letting out a slight groan, Emily rolled her eyes and she gently shifted Piper off of her stomach. Getting up from her bed. She then started to get herself ready, by cleaning herself up. Emily brought her brown locks into a [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/2c/2a/b5/2c2ab57dc87f0df283c26c83f29ca5a4.jpg] Classy Bun.[/url] Dressing in a white button up shirt, with a [url=https://cdnc.lystit.com/photos/2013/06/28/burberry-mid-grey-melange-cotton-silk-pencil-skirt-product-1-11281743-840466321.jpeg]Gray pencil skirt[/url], Emily slipped on a [url=http://cloud.faout.com/uploads/201208/heditor/201208171044459818.jpg]Blue cardigan[/url] on top of her shirt. After Emily, slipped on a pair of knee length socks, to match her skirt and slipped into her [url=https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTRadd6zK0pJuc0Ak7pPo-tqFK8kCAV8Jj0Vg7tuB6lJN4pHYUq]Mary Jane High Heel shoes.[/url] Once she looked ready and presentable, Emily made her way out of the dormitories and out of the Tituba common room entrance...kneeling down, she had to crawl out of the hole. Finding herself in the familiar hall-way, Emily soothed out her skirt, before making her way to the Great hall for breakfast. When she walked inside, she spotted Cass seeing her dressed in her diva-punk red outfit. "Looking good, girly." she flashed her a smile. Her eyes absentmindedly, shifting over to the Good table. Seeing Dorado wasn't present yet. Biting her lower lip, she quickly averted her gaze from the table, about to sit down. But a familiar voice stopped her. "Emily...can I have a word for a moment?" Professor Bellona called over towards Emily. Glancing at her head of house, Emily flashed her teacher a soft, yet slightly nervous smile. Walking over to Professor Bellona, biting her lower lip. "Here is your new year schedule and a new text book for your class, Emily." her head of house, smiled handing her the year's schedule, as well as a new potions text-book. "Try not to, set this one on fire with one of your potions. You went through more books than any other students here." she gave her, a friendly warning. But gave her a sympathetic smile. "I'll try not to." Emily muttered, with a thanks. Holding her next text book and schedule against her chest. Her cheeks turned bright pink from embarrassment.. a few students over-heard and snickered slightly. Emily was never skilled in her potions class; she messed them up more often than not...causing accidents, explosions or they simply did not work. Hurrying back over to the Tituba table, she sat down beside Cassandre "That was embarrassing." she whispered, hiding her face against the text book. Trying to get over the moment of embarrassment, Emily set her text book down before she glanced at her year's schedule. [List] [*][b]First[/b] - Potions ([i]Bellona, Bastet - Rm. 211[/i]) [*][b]Second[/b] - Study of Ancient Runes ([i]Schult, Pyrrhus - Rm. 339[/i]) [*][b]Third [/b]- Defense Against the Dark Arts ([i]Baladeva, Acantha - Rm. 145[/i]) [*][b]Fourth[/b] - Transfiguration ([i]Endymion, El - Rm. 164[/i]) [*][b]Fifth[/b] - History of Magic ([i]Conall, Cronus - Rm. 204[/i]) [*][b]Sixth[/b] - Herbology ([i]Amsel, Hektor - Rm. 157[/i]) [*][b]Seventh[/b] - Alchemy ([i]Samson, Perun - Rm. 147[/i]) [*][b]Eighth [/b]- Astronomy ([i]Bloodworth, Freyja - Rm. 260[/i]) [*][b]Ninth[/b] - Apparition ([i]Herrmann, Helen - Rm. 121[/i]) [*][b]Tenth [/b]- Charms ([i]Gilgamesh, Fionn - Rm. 149[/i]) [/list] Seeing, that she had a potions class first. Emily swallowed, shifting against her seat a bit uncomfortably. "Whelp..." she looked at Cass for reassurance. Emily tucked her class schedule, into her text book before she put some food onto her plate...Emily was starving. Maybe some breakfast, might help her think clearly and concentrate. [/color]