Within the warehouse, the lights suddenly snapped on, flooding the inside in light. Within stood a lone [url=http://www.supernaturalwiki.com/images/c/c5/Mercury.jpg]figure[/url]; snappily dressed, and awaiting his visitors. He didn't particularly want to be here in this dingy warehouse - but a job was a job, and he was getting a lovely pay packet for it. After all, he was but passing on information to the hunters that lay wait outside, obviously attempting to scope out the place, try and see if it were a trap. Frankly, he was surprised that any of them were stupid enough to show up in the first place - it did scream trap. Except, in this case, it wasn't. How the tables have turned. Waving his hands, the heavy metal doors opened, and he approached the small fire in the center of the room; waiting.