Lyn accepted Aidan's hand, almost knocking her chair over awkwardly as she stood. She viewed this pretense of a relationship as a new challenge. Give her a pack of bandits or assailants on horseback, and she knew immediately how to analyze the situation and play to her strengths. But romance? Even with a false one, she was quite lost as to how she should act. Not to mention that the prince made her so bloody [i]nervous[/i], and she had no idea why. Even just touching his hand was giving her an uncomfortable swooping sensation in her stomach. And having each other for dessert? She shuddered to think of what that meant. At the same time, she felt a hint of curiosity at the prospect of getting closer to the prince. She shook those thoughts out of her head. As soon as possible, Lyn let go of Aidan's hand to push the door open, and busied herself with preparing the horse and wagon. She was suddenly very aware of every movement she made, and could feel Aidan's eyes on her.